How did it go with queen Cersei?



  • I had Mira take all the neutral "answering questions without saying anything at all" options, until Cersei pressed her on whether she's more loyal to Joffrey or Margaery, I had her say Joffrey at that point because it is what Cersei wants to hear, and part of the game Mira has to play is not saying what she really thinks. Also although it humiliates Margaery it plays into what Margaery tells you to do before the audience with Cersei anyway. She knows what is coming, and tells you to play along.

  • In my game Cersei said that Mira "Would probably say anything to get what she wanted." She saw right through me.

  • I bent the knee and used vague answers, such as "Loyal to the TRUE king" or "Boltons are the Wardens of the North". Answer without giving away too much information.

    In the end, I said I was loyal to Joffery.

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