Logging Out

edited July 2009 in Site Support
I was reading this forum at an Internet cafe, and I logged in because I wanted to read the preorder only Monkey Island forum. When I had five minutes to go, I thought I'd better log out, but I couldn't find the option to log out before. So a couple of questions.

1. I don't use Internet cafes very often, and maybe it's standard practice to delete cookies after logging out, but just to be safe, is there anything I can do about it now?
2. Is it possible to make the option to log out easier to find? I only found it after reading through the support forum. I wouldn't have thought of clicking on the cog twice, otherwise. I did try clicking it once.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    You could change your password, if you're concerned about someone at the internet cafe logging in as you.

    On any other page, when you mouse over the cog it shows a Log Out link (you don't need to click it to see this). Unfortunately we're not able to use that method to log out from the forums, so it doesn't behave that way on the forum. Sorry if it was confusing. :(
  • edited July 2009
    Hey at least now I know how to log out and why it is this way! Thanks guys
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