Last story for Fables #150
I don't know if you guys know this, but the last story for #150 will be Last story of Boy Blue.
Guess that makes sense. He's been like 3rd biggest character in Fables (after Bigby and Snow) until he died.
I just hope he finds someone special (and please not Rose Red), as he said he'll set out to do when he last met Bigby in his paradise heaven.
And I just hope someone changes the Volume title for Volume 22. I really don't like the working title they have "Boys in the Band."
The final title should associate with all Fables, not just Boy Blue or his band.
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Really? I figured Boy Blue wouldn't need a Last Story...
I kinda liked his future being left open-ended in issue 134; oh well :P
Seeing this I don't think his love will be Rose Red. I still kinda want it to be her though for some reason...
I think it's cuz Rose really missed Blue and if she see's him again (somehow) she'll probably break down and beg his forgiveness etc...
Also from reading his Twitter Feed; I suppose Willingham's hints of possibly returning to Fables in the future are all rubbish... He quoted on a Tweet for when 148 came out:
Then again, he has a lot of new projects coming up. so I suppose he isn't planning on returning to the Fables universe just yet :P
I think Volume 22 should just be called The End.
Jack of Fables Volume 9 (the last Volume) was called The End though... I doubt Willingham would reuse the title :P
Maybe it'll be called Fated or just simply Fables.
Maybe call it - Fables : Legend Among Us?
Lol......I know, I know. It's direct copy of TWAU title.......
I just don't get why they didn't use the "Happily Ever After" title for the final Volume (Voume 22), and instead opted to choose it for Volume 21.
With only one issue left, nothing in the Volume 21's main story seemed to signify a "happily ever after", and even some of the last stories were unconvincing in trying to show the so-called "Happy endings."
Unless Willingham wanted to end the series in tragedy and depressing note, I don't see why they couldn't have used "Happily Ever After" .
Unfortunately, this really makes some sense.
Maybe call it Fables: The Last Story
That works right?
Close. It's called Farewell.
My god. it is the Great Bill Willingham!
Farewell to Fables
I still wonder if this Farewell is final though... a fan can dream
Huff and Puff
Wow, it's Mr. Willingham!!
It's great to have you on this board sir (I say this even though you may not check back on this board), and thank you for the great years of giving us tales and journeys of these wonderful characters.
While I'm sad to see Fables ending, please know that this series will remain in our hearts forever.
And the title "Farewell" makes total sense. I love it (much better than the other title rumoured "Boys in the Band", which is alright for Boy Blue's last story, but not for Volume as a whole)
Wow, how much did you want to faint seeing Bill Willingham respond to your thread?
He responded to mine as well
He graces us with his presence.
I can't even imagine how many PM's he's received already :P
I sent him one, simply asking how he interprets Bigby and Snow's marriage... If he replies with an answer then I'm afraid it will be different to my interpretation of it
Have to be honest with you, I wanted to scream in happiness like a little girl
I edited the Fables Wikipedia Page yesterday, because it still had that title "Boys in the Band" title. So I changed the Title (to "Fables: Farewell"), and also the release date, and cited references to Mr Willingham's Telltale profile page.
I just sent him a PM with a question regarding Beast's transformation in Fairest Volume 4.
I hope he gets to answer it, but I'd imagine he'd be bombarded with so many PMs.......sigh......
Lol, you contacted him on Twitter as well didn't you?
Man, he probably looks at that panel and thinks "Dammit to hell..."
He hasn't replied to mine yet, but I can;t see him being very regular on here. For a start the man is busy, and he probably doesn't want to answer a shedload of PM's atm...
Yeah, I did. But that was quite a while ago. So I'm not sure he would even remember me from twitter (since he tweets a lot).
I'm actually half not expecting him to reply. As you've said, he is an incredibly busy man, and would probably have loads of PMs already (most or all he'd probably not answer I'm guessing).
Bit of a contradiction don't you think? :P He MAY remember someone asking him that...
I don't think he will respond to a PM actually. Bill seems like the type of guy that would prefer a public response so everyone can see it, I already know that if I ask him anything about 150 or the future of Fables then he won't give an answer obviously.
My question was basically what're they like in terms of the marriage, in his eyes. I'm a fiction writer and I am doing 4 TWAU/Fables fanfics right now. It would be nice if the creator gave me his views as some form of 'correct' answer.
I assume that Bigby is the man, but decisions are a joint thing and Snow is allowed her say and dominance when it is necessary. When I read some fics where Snow is depicted as Bigby's 'master' in their marriage, and people agree with it, it REALLY does irk me
Lol, well he tweets and interacts with loads of people on twitter, that's what I meant by he might not even remember my twitter post (but you're right. There is a chance he may remember someone asking him that).
Though even if he does remember, I don't mind. It's not like I've been pestering him on and on (like every week, or every month or something) demanding an answer for this. I only made one tweet about 5 months or so (perhaps even longer than that....) ago, and that was it (and not like I was rude in my post, I was actually quite courteous in both the tweet and the PM here), so I don't really see any problem.....
And since he made a Telltale account, I just couldn't miss the opportunity to ask him the question (even if there's only 1% or less chance of him answering).
If you ask him about #150 or future of Fables (if there even is one, other than the current TWAU comic book series), of course he won't answer. That's delving into Spoiler territory (and regarding future after #150, he got quite annoyed with the someone's tweet regarding "when is Season 2 of Fables?"), and he will only disclose what he wishes to disclose.
I tend to not read fanfics (whether it's regarding comics, TV shows, movies). (No offence to you or any fanfic writers out there), but I just don't find them interesting to me** in general (perhaps reason for that is due to my work, and other times spend on movies, tv shows, reading the few comics etc I don't have time to invest in other stuff).
Because of that, I'm not exposed to those so-called fan-fics (which irks you).
** This is by no means, meant to discourage anyone from reading, or writing fanfics.
My english is horrible
Nice title
(Willingham is hot!!!)