TWAU intro with Constantine theme
In my opinion, the opening sequence for THE WOLF AMONG US always lacked a little "bite." This is my attempt at an alternative with more oomph.
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In my opinion, the opening sequence for THE WOLF AMONG US always lacked a little "bite." This is my attempt at an alternative with more oomph.
I love this! Don't get me wrong, the melody Telltale created is absolutely amazing, but this is really good too! I loved Contantine, one of my favorite movies of such topic (exorcism and God and all that), and this mashup is really well-made. Really sets a more dangerous tone for the episode
Great job, I loved it.
You know that movie was based on a 300 issue-long comic series right? It ran for 23 years!!!!
And it's been taken up a few more times since it ended by different writers. Always John Constantine as the protagonist of course XD
Yes, I am fully aware of that
Did you like the movie ?
I haven't watched it yet, I've only seen a few minutes from the beginning exorcism...
I like Keanu Reeves and I can see where Willingham got inspiration for Bigby from Constantine with the trench coat, the gruffness and the excessive smoking. But apparently the movie wasn't great
I'll still watch it though!! :P
From what I've heard, it's not very good watching if you've read the comics. As a stand-alone, it's really good
Well I haven't read Hellblazer or Constantine so I should be fine
All I know about John is that he is kinda like Bigby in terms of style and attitude and he is a con artist/very powerful sorceror...
I wish Wolf Among Us had a different type of opening song per episode
Set the mood types, right?