Supporting 4 again, showing some love
Monkey island 2 disappointed me when I first played it. It starts off with a guybrush that looks NOTHING like the monkey island one guybrush . His hair is the wrong color, his body is the wrong size, his beard is wrong. He doesn't even look like the same person ! The voodo lady is off of Melee island and in some elaborate skull in a swamp WTF? Its like they wanted to reboot and rape the first game as hard as they could. The Guybrush/ Elaine relationship is sloppishly de-evolved , and the ending doesn't even make any damn sense ! The third game tries to revive the franchise, yes REVIVE . By making a guybrush with the same hair color as the first game, and repairing the Elaine / Guybrush relationship and although the character is sytlized the stylization looks like Guybrush even though drawn differently to bring out the character . The third game spends like an hour at the end trying to explain THE BLOODY MESS that the second game is ,then comes the 4th game , have to double post on ps3 .
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As for Monkey Island 2, after playing it again recently, I think that it may be my new favorite. So what if the Voodoo Lady is on a different island? She moves a lot throughout the series, and from the sound of it, is on a different island at the start of Tales of Monkey Island, as well. It would not be very surprising for the player to find her in the same place in every game.
The ending is most likely a metaphor. Or simile. I always get the two mixed up. Actually, I am just quoting Ron Gilbert there, but I think that it is fairly clear that
By the way, Escape from Monkey Island is my least favorite, and I am dreading having to replay it after I finish replaying Curse of Monkey Island, but it must be done before July 7th.
I just don't like sappy romances that have to take place in the past, back track because some writer doesn't understand his material well enough to create a new vision and back story to his he has to simply rehash what he's already give us from the last game...only by the time of the second game, its old news, boring, and frustrating ...... I mean come on, if I wanted to play a game that never evolves I wouldn't be playing the next game of a video game series ....I am so glad that Mi-3 keept the REAL guybrush and relationship he had with Elaine alive, and not something simply flipped around from the game from before.....See I liked the relationship and game 3, and atleast I could see some vision behind it .
i got some advice for you too, stop bumping threads that you don't like. That would just be the beginning of my advice for you though.;)
Also thought I'd mention that Guybrush's hair is EXACTLY the same color between SoMI and MI2. If you don't believe me, find or take uncompressed screenshots from the game and check the RGB values of the hair color.
And yet he turns into a stringbean in Curse of Monkey Island and you don't mention that at all in your post.. :rolleyes: Not to mention he's exactly the same number of pixels high between SoMI and MI2.
Ed: <ahem>
You like it under our bridge, I guess, however we don't like you under our bridge please either get on top of the bridge or go far away.
This is a forum--for discussion. If you're going to make a thread and make statements (not to be confused with personal opinions, make as many of those as you wish) at least check your facts.
I really disagree. In MI 1 Guybrush was a pixelated lump and in MI 2 he was less of an pixelated lump. He feels the same size and anyone can grow a beard. He has another set of clothes, doesn't look like a dude swabbing the deck anymore, more like a captain.
Are we really discussing the improbability of someone moving? Her new home is a definite upgrade. Don't be silly.
What do you mean sloppishly de-evolved? It's a relationship, it goes up and down. Maybe your long history of relationships could teach me otherwise? And the ending doesn't make any sense- what are you on about? It's a contemporary ending. So many other franchises had endings like this, but I do agree it's silly and I never liked those kind of things like: "The End!" and then in the next screen: "...or is it?". So the ending isn't spectacular for such a great adventure, but it's ok and perfectly in style with the corny dialogue and everything else in the game.
What's all this obsession with hair color anyways? At least the hair doesn't turn into fire. I mean, if feel there's better points to make than rambling about hair-color. It was dyed ok? He dyed it.
MI 3's even more cartoonish look and well made graphics were appealing to me as well, but I don't understand this relationship thingy. I don't think it's that hard to understand their relationship.
Well, I think MI 3 would have been different if the original creator made it, but I do agree that it continues the story really well. I don't really see an issue with how MI 2 left of, it left it kinda wide open and undefinite if you regard the ending as anything else than just straight storyline and absolute truth.
Ok, it's obvious me and you interpret this game and approach it very differently. You seem to focus on storyline, how the characters look and the romance taking place. I just wanna solve puzzles and get lost in a piratey paradise. I wanna feel like I'm there, wandering around in dark alleys and noisy bars, smelling wooden ships, tar and rum, listening to deranged laughters of drunken sailors and swords clashing or roaming a beach throwing stuff at the monkeys and parrots while trying to decipher a map.
Whatever. In MI3 Guybrush coulda just woken up on a beach saying "Wow, what a weird dream" or whatever. It was the creators of MI 3's choice to so deeply try to go into MI 2's ending. It's THAT game's fault.
Yeah, if you look on colors of hair I agree with you. It's an absolute abomination MI 2 even sold at all! Lucasarts were flooded with angry fans yelling obscene stuff about hair colors, it was madness I tell you....MADNESS! And the influence! It was CHAOTIC! MADNESS! BLOODY MURDER!
And let's not forget the importance of haircolor! Look I don't care what bogus kind of solution MI 4 takes. It was too early for 3D. The characters, if you look at anything but hair color, have no soul. They move in that sorta clumbsy way only computorized characters can move. The controls are very bad. Now here's something you could focus on when talking about realism, because I think it's a really huuuuuge let down and something that really robs a lot from the game when you run around like that. It's ugly.
Ok, what really goes on here is extremely obvious and also why I didn't bother to answer to your thread when I first saw it:
You don't believe in it yourself.
You consciously took a stand to provoke/make a point just for the sake of it. You told yourself: "I'm going to downplay MI 2" and then you tried to find stuff you could say. The problem is that you didn't find anything good to complain about, hence your main issue is something as silly as haircolor and some vague complaint about the direction of a relationship.
I've made up my mind about MI 4 and it's mostly based on the gameplay and on the atmosphere, that's stuff that's kinda crucial for a game to be good. The thing is, I made up my mind after playing the game, I didn't artificially construct the complaints just for the sake of complaining like you.
And yeah, I'm also kinda surprised you havenät been banned yet
Sorry, I don't take prisoners.
P.S. have you asked anyone to photoshop those Elaine pics yet? I totally understand by the way... I can remember being an 11 year old boy when Street Fighter II came out and pausing the game midway through a Chun-Li back flip so my friends and I could giggle...
I can see it:
"Street Fighter- the sexperience. Confession by a horny teen."
Dude, I got into computers by playing C64 when I was really small. I have stared into a blue screen with white text saying "LOADING..." for hours just to get my soul crushed by "ERROR" after 30 minutes. I had games on a tape and had to rewind to make them load. Hahaha, it's so cool I can say this stuff! Makes me feel oooold.