why did the post get deleted? I put a spoiler

I put a spoiler tag on the post


  • You could have put this post in your other post...

  • why not just pm the mod who closed it instead of making a whole thread about it?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It got removed and then i re-added it but removed the video, IGN have broken embargo by releasing it early and it contains footage from the game which could spoil the episode. I don't think Telltale would want the footage to be seen yet so for now the video will be blocked to prevent spoilers.

  • Okay I'm sorry kind sir. I'll just wait till everyone plays it on Tuesday :). And yea IGN does break the laws by releasing footage early lol

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It got removed and then i re-added it but removed the video, IGN have broken embargo by releasing it early and it contains footage from the

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