Gared's role in Episode 2 - Ep2 Trailer Spoilers!

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

"I've heard you want to become a ranger. Why?"

"To protect house Forrester."

Alt text

He looks so determined and stubborn that I'm afraid he actually believes that.

Considering how the story leads itself, Gared will be a Night's Watch recruit (black clothes, combat training). Let's see. Once Gared says his vows and become a ranger (or join any other order), he can't leave the Wall. Any deserters are sentenced to death. After taking the vows, the men of the Watch must sever any ties left with their families, and live on with their new brothers. Once that happens, Gared doesn't belong with House Forrester anymore, his uncle is no longer his commander. His plans and intentions are now forever linked to the Wall. Even if asked for help from Duncan or Lady Forrester, he can't do anything without becoming a deserter, and hence, a wanted fugitive.

"I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come. A black cloak can't be turned."

I understand it's not easy to cut off all family bonds, he's embittered, angry and still grieving over his dead father. The temptation to abandon the duty is strong enough to sway some Black Brothers when someone they love is in trouble. - Books/TV series fans, doesn't that sound familiar? Remember how Jon reacted when he heard about his brother Robb getting ready for the war? - If Gared it's just another Jon Snow, I'd be really disappointed.

I really do hope we can change Gared's way of thinking, and the line he used was randomly selected, in order to make trailer more dramatic.


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2015

    I really do hope we can change Gared's way of thinking, and the line he used was randomly selected, in order to make trailer more dramatic.

    Sometimes in the episode trailers, Telltale will use lines from only one of the multiple presented dialogue options. Heck, sometimes they even show determinant characters in episodes where they may be dead for certain players (like Walking Dead). I wouldn't worry too much about how playable characters of the series act in the trailer if you feel like what is happening should be the outcome of a player choice.

    Also, I updated your thread title to remove the very minor spoiler for people who have not watched the Episode 2 trailer.

  • He can be protecting his house indirectly by defending the wall. It's bad news if, purely hypothetically, some king beyond the wall came up and decided to invade the North.

    You know, hypothetically.

  • I bet my money on this cliche story: after Gared hears the news about Eithan's death and Whitehills enjoying their time in Ironrath, he blames himself and ends up torn between his new brothers at the Wall and House Forrester.

    Michael7123 posted: »

    He can be protecting his house indirectly by defending the wall. It's bad news if, purely hypothetically, some king beyond the wall came up and decided to invade the North. You know, hypothetically.

  • They do. Only thing I hope is that we can, as different players, create different stories.

    Thanks for updating. :>

    I really do hope we can change Gared's way of thinking, and the line he used was randomly selected, in order to make trailer more dramatic.

  • Yarr, I'm coming! ;)

    Michael7123 posted: »

    He can be protecting his house indirectly by defending the wall. It's bad news if, purely hypothetically, some king beyond the wall came up and decided to invade the North. You know, hypothetically.

  • I'm just hoping we're going to be involved with the Battle at the Wall.

  • If Telltale doesn't involve that it would be highly stupid of them. Easily one of the most epic moments of the show IMO.

    Echopapa posted: »

    I'm just hoping we're going to be involved with the Battle at the Wall.

  • Its likely a determinant line, I wouldn't worry too much.

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