Icon for Sam and Max: Hit the Road

edited June 2009 in Sam & Max
So far my desktop icon for the super original and totally authentic Sam and Max game is a funky little ScummVM S.


Does anyone have some kind of appropriate S&M icon I can beautify this with? Even if it was just Max's teeth or... something. I dunno think of something!


  • edited June 2009
    There was an icon that comes with the Sam & Max CD. It shows Max's head with a red circle behind it, I think. You don't have it?
  • TeaTea
    edited June 2009
    The CD is...somewhere...

    I found the game by chance on my external HDD - which has been attached to several computers, I could have installed/copied it from any one of them, at any time. Hell, I might not even have the CD anymore.

    I guess I'll find out when I finally move out of this room (or decide to clean it up, whichever comes first)
  • edited June 2009
    you might take a look at these
  • TeaTea
    edited June 2009
    Of course, them! But they're all high res - afaik they won't "show up" with small icons selected, they'd be great on my Linux install though. I'll give it a go anyway.
  • edited June 2009
    I'm gonna trust you with this one.
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