there were dragons in the end??


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It sounds like there could be a dragon and Job did tease something about what could be a dragon on Twitter "Just saw one of the newest character models for an upcoming episode of #GameOfThrones. Let's just say it was... "Scaley""

    In the past they have moved scenes to a different episode but it would be cool if we did have a encounter with one in the next episode.

  • i played it but still i reaaly think it was a dragon anyway we will see when ep.3 will be out

  • i was hoping too its gonna be awesome if we do :D

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It sounds like there could be a dragon and Job did tease something about what could be a dragon on Twitter "Just saw one of the newest chara

  • I think it might be Drogon, maybe it's even his lair. (The same one from Dance of Dragons?)

    Alt text

    Chiefest and meanest of calamities.

  • Well i wanna see a fking dragon in game of thrines so i would fking love it if they will put atleast one dragon on it :D

    Trenchfoot posted: »

    I think it might be Drogon, maybe it's even his lair. (The same one from Dance of Dragons?) Chiefest and meanest of calamities.

  • In the past they have moved scenes to a different episode but it would be cool if we did have a encounter with one in the next episode.

    Judging by how ambiguous he was being in the first place by saying "an upcoming episode," I'd wager a guess that it was not supposed to have been in Episode 2 at the time that was tweeted and was always supposed to have been a teaser for a future episode.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It sounds like there could be a dragon and Job did tease something about what could be a dragon on Twitter "Just saw one of the newest chara

  • Title slide gave me no doubt about a dragon appearing, and then the preview came along and proved my hunch.

  • Well the Episode art is a pic of Daenerys and so far each person on the art of the episode has appeared so...yea, I think it was a dragon.

  • Lol I hate the bold thing.

    pratikrockz posted: »

    Well i wanna see a fking dragon in game of thrines so i would fking love it if they will put atleast one dragon on it

  • edited February 2015

    I would agree by and large, but given that when you hover over the episode in the menu, you see a fire-breathing dragon and "DRACARYS" in big, big letters, I feel like dragon is a reasonable possibility.

    EDIT: Although, it is possible I'm mis-remembering and that's another episode, so perhaps it's more accurate to say that I think there will eventually be dragons, and if so, why not now?

  • It definitely sounded like a Dragon

  • Ohhh well sorry about that :p

    Lol I hate the bold thing.

  • So dragons yeay :D

    Title slide gave me no doubt about a dragon appearing, and then the preview came along and proved my hunch.

  • So dragon oN episode 3 are confirmed :)

    It definitely sounded like a Dragon

  • Along with snarks and grumpkins.

  • You could substitute one of the asterisks with a letter and it would go away.

    pratikrockz posted: »

    Ohhh well sorry about that

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