Can't see game choices on Telltale Site

Hi everyone!

I just finished episode 2 of Game Of Thrones and it was, again, impossible to see an overview of my choices made in-game. (I'm on Xbox One) The text told me that I could go to this website, log in with my linked Telltale Account and see the choices I made in the game.

Yet, when I try to view my choices for this episode (or the one before that), the site tells me I haven't played the game yet. Like this.

I've also played Tales From The Borderlands a couple of weeks ago and I can also not see my choices of that game either. Instead of telling me that I haven't played the game yet, the website tells me that it's "loading" the choices (like this), but I've waited long enough to know it won't actually show up.

Some things I've already done or things that could be of use:

  • I play the games on Xbox One
  • I played the two first episodes from both series more than a month ago
  • I tried loading the website in Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. None worked
  • This account is definitely linked with the Xbox Live Account on which I play these games
  • I also have the issue where there is no "choices menu" in the game itself

Need any other information to help me? Shoot!

Thanks in advance and I truly hope I can be helped.


  • Did you get any help with this? I'm having the same issue on Xbox One.
    I haven't played Ep2 of GoT yet, but none of my choices for Ep1 show up, saying i haven't played the game.
    With Tales From The Borderlands, i can only see my first choice but none of the others, even though i have completed the first episode.
    I have also tried it on different browsers but no luck!

  • Not yet :(

    Doesn't seem to be alot of activity on this part of the forum.

    damien1310 posted: »

    Did you get any help with this? I'm having the same issue on Xbox One. I haven't played Ep2 of GoT yet, but none of my choices for Ep1 show

  • I just opened up Tales From The Borderlands, downloaded an update and now i can see all of my choices from Ep1.
    Sadly this didn't work for GoT.
    I'm really put off from starting Ep2 incase nothing carries over or I'm going to have to replay them both to fix this.

    mathy16 posted: »

    Not yet Doesn't seem to be alot of activity on this part of the forum.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, we are currently looking into the issue, and hope to have more information soon. Can you please clarify if you can see a My Choices page on the main menu of Game of Thrones? If so, does it have all of your choices from Episode 1 recorded there?

    damien1310 posted: »

    I just opened up Tales From The Borderlands, downloaded an update and now i can see all of my choices from Ep1. Sadly this didn't work for

  • When i try to play it doesnt work, the screen is black. Like i can hear what is going on and my choices will show up but the screen is dark, at the main menue i can see play episodes and all the other options but the rest is just black and j cant see the characters. I bought all the episodes also but unfortunatly since i couldnt see the screen i didnt know that the loot could only be unlocked on steam with the ios. I bought the game on my iphone 4 (i have over version 7) hopeing to be able to play and bought all the episodes to get the heads for my xbox 360 but now im realizing that i should have just bought the tales from borderlands for my xbox and tall these problems would go away... I hope

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited April 2015

    My sincere apologies, unfortunately as stated in the App Store description in the app


    I would have to recommend either playing on an iOS device that meets the specifications in the Description section of the App Store page, or contacting Apple Support for more assistance, or any inquiries regarding refunds, or refund requests for the game.

    Slyvo posted: »

    When i try to play it doesnt work, the screen is black. Like i can hear what is going on and my choices will show up but the screen is dark

  • Hello, I'm playing on the ps4 version of both Game of Thrones and Borderlands and I have the same problem where Game of thrones tells me to play the game and Borderlands just says loading when I view my choices on the website. any help would be appreciated, also I have played all episodes from both games and have no problem in game viewing my choices.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    It appears that your choices have been recorded in our database successfully. If you are currently unable to see your Extended stats and choices on our website, please first try logging out, and back into your Telltale account on this website, then go to your Tales From The Borderlands Choices Page and Game of Thrones Choices Page and see if they have updated.

    If the issue persists, you can also try clearing your web browser's cache/cookies for this website, then log into your account again and see if your Choices page updates. You can also try using a different web browser to access the website from.

    Vaeger posted: »

    Hello, I'm playing on the ps4 version of both Game of Thrones and Borderlands and I have the same problem where Game of thrones tells me to

  • Thanks for responding quickly however I have tried all that before as well as in the past few minutes but am still having the same problem.

    It appears that your choices have been recorded in our database successfully. If you are currently unable to see your Extended stats and cho

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, if you are still experiencing the issue after attempting my suggestions above, there may be an underlying issue with your account linking. Please contact/email our Support Staff at, and they will be able to assist you further with your issue. Please make sure to include the email address associated with your Telltale account, your Telltale account Username, and the games that you are experiencing the issues with, in the email to Support.

    Vaeger posted: »

    Thanks for responding quickly however I have tried all that before as well as in the past few minutes but am still having the same problem.

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