Choices not carried over to GoT ep2 on Xbox One



  • edited February 2015

    You ok there, buddy?

    edragonxx posted: »

    You are in wrong thread then! And when you open this thread it's already warned you that this thread will contain spoilers! I suggest go to bathroom and wash your eyes.

  • Nah

    edragonxx posted: »

    Actually you are very WRONG! Open your eyes next time. 1. Sign in on your Xbox One 2. Start game of Thrones game 3. Wait little bit and g

  • your kidding...right???

    Hardkai posted: »

    Guys don't worry , they will have it fixed after they released all episodes from GoT and Borderlands and Season 3 for TWD just a matter of months now ! So don't worry

  • Big surprise, I also have this problem. I have also emailed telltale support several times. No response as of yet. I suggest everyone keeps up with this. Don't let them forget about us.

  • Yes haha hopefully its fixed soon , i want to be able to play ep 2 with my choices from 1 ><

    wwSTEVENww posted: »

    your kidding...right???

  • So you completed the last part of Episode 1 and it changed to "Restart Episode 1"???

    Or was it only after you started Episode 2 it changed

    edragonxx posted: »

    I have "Restart Episode 1", still nothing.

  • Telltale for the love of fucking god fix your fucking game this is fucking ridiculous...

  • Please fix this !!

  • No answer on the support either...

  • I'm not trying to say that your anger isn't justified, or that Telltale hasn't made a mistake, or that they should have released this product knowingly broken. It's not fair to anyone who has bought episode 2, and especially anyone who has bought the season pass. If Telltale doesn't solve the issue soon, I'll be just as angry as everyone else on this page. I'm also not trying to imply that Telltale has never made mistakes with things like bugs or glitches. They've made plenty. But they have never released something as broken as this. This is arguably Telltale's first major mistake, so I don't want to get too upset with them right away. I'm trying to give them a chance to fix their mistake, so everyone who deserves to be able to use thier product can use it. I wouldn't be okay with them never fixing this problem. Hell, if they don't fix it, I would be compelled to never buy another product from them. I'm giving them a chance is all. I hope they fix it, so we can all play the product we payed for.

    Lighten up? No. How about a company that I pay something for, especially when I purchase the season pass which is basically me putting futur

  • Guys, they clearly don't care it seems they will fix their game when "they" feel like it, it has been what a week and all we get is one measly response, Yeah they obviously don't care enough because guess what we already gave them our money so fuck us right? and seeing that they don't do refunds as they have clearly pointed out "oh go to xbox support" so basically we won't get anything until they have their one guy working on this actually fix it, Its cheap and shouldn't be tolerated we shouldn't be able to buy a broken game, They are still selling this buggy crap even though they know for a fact it doesn't work, what I'm trying to say is THEY DON'T CARE! they get their money either way we should not have to put up with this..

  • And yet his spoiler tag read as so:

    Game of Thrones - Episode 2:'

    He doesn't matter that he mentioned anything, nor did anyone else, yet it is still there.

    And for the record, there being a funeral isn't exactly a spoiler, because it's obvious for who it's for if you played episode 1.

    And as well, if you read my comment, you clearly see I am simply pointing that since it won't finish, my choices won't fully appear.

    No, the spoiler tag was placed there by OP because he talks about the events of the first episode, he mentions nothing about what happens in

  • It's been almost 10 days, give us a break telltale. What's the status of the fix? is there going to even be one? Remember when you said you'd try to be more transparent. What a joke that was. No contact from PR, what use is there even having one when it is so clearly absent from this thread filled with some 200+ users asking for answers and updates.

  • 9 days since this issue has been widely known, a couple of months since telltale knew about the issue. It has to be time to give refunds or pc codes to season pass holders. All I know is that if this isn't fixed by ep.3 or I have been compensated I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down in a godly fing fire-storm upon you, you're gonna have to call the fing united nations to get a fing binding resolution to keep me from fing destroying you, I am talking scorched earth mother fer, I will massacre you, I WILL F YOU UP!

  • I think I'll just post a comment on this everyday until they address this issue.

    Dear Telltale,

    Please fix this issue. It is preventing many of your biggest supporters from enjoying your games and supporting you further (which we would love to do!). You make really great games and all we want to do is enjoy them like you intended for us to do. If you are working on this issue, take your time and do it right. All we ask is that you let us know that a fix is coming. At this point, I really don't mind waiting. Just let me know that what I'm waiting for is on the way.


    Your loyal fans

  • If I uninstall the game will I lose all my save data??

  • No, you only lose your save if you erase your save data

    No_Cabbages posted: »

    If I uninstall the game will I lose all my save data??

  • Thanks,
    Why are the choices not carrying over? and when will they be fixed :)

    No, you only lose your save if you erase your save data

  • FIX IT..... NOW
    FIX IT..... NOW FIX IT..... NOW
    FIX IT..... NOW FIX IT..... NOW FIX IT..... NOW
    FIX IT..... NOW FIX IT..... NOW FIX IT..... NOW FIX IT..... NOW

  • Don't know :/

    No_Cabbages posted: »

    Thanks, Why are the choices not carrying over? and when will they be fixed

  • That's the million dollar question right now amigo, we're all just sitting on our hands waiting to get an answer. Pull up a chair and take a seat, it's looking like it's still going to be awhile...

    No_Cabbages posted: »

    Thanks, Why are the choices not carrying over? and when will they be fixed

  • ok bud thanks :) Money well spent then :/

    That's the million dollar question right now amigo, we're all just sitting on our hands waiting to get an answer. Pull up a chair and take a seat, it's looking like it's still going to be awhile...

  • Has anyone tried to get a Refund from Xbox Live on this Game?

  • I contacted Microsoft and had them refund my money for all telltale games. Since telltale leaves us in the dark and doesn't care about their customers I have no interest in letting them have my hard earned money.

    axxo5150 posted: »

    Has anyone tried to get a Refund from Xbox Live on this Game?

  • Thanks for the update link.... I only wish it had better news...

    Ismokeherb posted: » Only another 10 days roughly.

  • Did it take long for them to refund you? I'm not interested in waiting a month for a fix:/

    HnyBear posted: »

    I contacted Microsoft and had them refund my money for all telltale games. Since telltale leaves us in the dark and doesn't care about their customers I have no interest in letting them have my hard earned money.

  • That's insane no one says "hey guys guess what? I just brought a season pass for £20 and now i have to wait another 10-15 more days to actually play it yaaaaay!" They couldn't even post something on this discussion even after this many people have viewed and commented on this issue with not one reply, hmm EA?

    Ismokeherb posted: » Only another 10 days roughly.

  • edited February 2015

    Am I the only one who's completely lost interest in Game of Thrones? It kinda ruined the game for me

    no clue why, but I don't even look forward to playing the fixed episode

  • Thank you to everybody in the thread for there own solutions but, one thing is for sure is that its not the customers responsibility to fix to devs problem. I mean did they even test the game on Xbox before release?

  • Trust me after the hours upon hours of trying to fix it you aren't the only one...

    aldimon posted: »

    Am I the only one who's completely lost interest in Game of Thrones? It kinda ruined the game for me no clue why, but I don't even look forward to playing the fixed episode

  • I'm having the same issue...

  • edited February 2015

    Thanks for letting us know! I just wanted a reply to know it was a known issue being worked on. Knowing it's been submitted already for a patch is good news.

    Ismokeherb posted: » Only another 10 days roughly.

  • Not at all. They refunded it while on the phone and it hit my account within minutes, except one of them I paid for with paypal, that one will take a few days.

    Did it take long for them to refund you? I'm not interested in waiting a month for a fix:/

  • Ok 10 days to go until "release". Brilliant news.

    Thanks for the link. The support forum is bollocks.

  • From what is shown on my TftB choices on the website (nothing) I can tell the same issue will occur with that too. I'm sure that telltale will act when no one on the Xbox One buys it.

  • At least they are releasing one now!

  • I think I'm safe on tftb I have a my choices page and the season pass works for me.

    hayd24 posted: »

    From what is shown on my TftB choices on the website (nothing) I can tell the same issue will occur with that too. I'm sure that telltale will act when no one on the Xbox One buys it.

  • How many choices are we supposed to have for Borderlands? Only 4 show up for me, is there supposed to be more?

    I think I'm safe on tftb I have a my choices page and the season pass works for me.

  • okay! thanks

    HnyBear posted: »

    Not at all. They refunded it while on the phone and it hit my account within minutes, except one of them I paid for with paypal, that one will take a few days.

This discussion has been closed.