Asher in Essos

Judging by the thumbnail of episode 6 (Daenerys) I think Asher won't get out of Essos untill then because how else are we supposed to interact with Daenerys? Maybe she'll help him get him some sellsords, who knows :)
What do you think?


  • Well, he could come, and then go back.

  • I guess he could but is there enough time for that? Next episode will probably be about him getting to Meereen. There's episode 4 for finding a sellword army and maybe episode 5 about going back to Westeros.
    Or he could leave Essos in the beginning of episode 6 and make it back to Westeros just in time for the 'final battle'.

    Well, he could come, and then go back.

  • This is one time I really hope they rewrite the series... I want Asher to come back more than I want to see Daenerys.

    I guess he could but is there enough time for that? Next episode will probably be about him getting to Meereen. There's episode 4 for findin

  • Well, they said he is impulsive. Maybe he do some crazy thing and then they try to arrest him in Westeros. So... Let's sail back to Essos!

  • edited February 2015

    Really doubt Asher will get back to Westeros this season, it would be silly if he did. As Daenarys has used four seasons and counting to get to Westeros. And I still find it remarkable Malcolm made it so quick to Yunkai as he did, the distance is far to great for a simple trip like that.

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, some show characters seem to have the ability to teleport (see Littlefinger) so why not Malcom too?

    WardenKing posted: »

    Really doubt Asher will get back to Westeros this season, it would be silly if he did. As Daenarys has used four seasons and counting to ge

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