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Feed the Whitehill soldiers, starve them or tell your sentinel to handle it. I for one am a jerk to them every chance I get. I was already starving them and I continued my policy of non-feeding. I didn't invite them so I figure they should have packed some sandwiches for their stay over. What did you do and why?


  • I'm starving them out, either way they become a bunch of angry men. Duncan is stupid, keeping them drunk and feeding them... Those assholes shouldn't enjoy themselves while the Forresters are suffering, and I think they discussed in the first episode that we are low on food. But telling them to handle it is the worst choice..

  • In my playthough, since they are already starving, I thought keeping them drunk would keep them both drunk and hungry,

  • I'm keeping them drunk. That way, when the cavalry arrives, they won't be able to fight back.

  • Told them to handle it.

  • I said starve them out.

  • Starving them out.

    I'm playing Rodrik as decisive, and plotting to get rid of the Whitehills from the moment he returns. Also whether or not it factors into the game, I figured Rodrik would want to preserve whatever food stores are on hand for his own people, in the event the two houses come to open conflict. (likely)

  • I made them give them wine, drunk idiot soldiers is better especially as they will likely just steal the wine anyway

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