Margery Asks Her Mother To Handle The Marriage Situation

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

TL:DR if you do not ask for help in the FIRST episode from Margery, when you ask her about helping with Rodric's betrothal she says something like, "You've been so loyal! Yes, indeed if I ask the Glens it will influence them! I'll ask my mother, she has a way with words." so I didn't bother forging the letter because I presumed that she'd intervene but was disappointed so I offered my iron wood. Opinions?


  • Poor writing on Telltale's part. They didn't think that through.

  • So why there's still an option to forge the letter after Margaery promised help? She said: "I'll talk to you later, Mira", so I think there will be some sort of a dialogue in the next episode about Rodrik's marriage.

    Poor writing on Telltale's part. They didn't think that through.

  • Well, that's dissapointing i agree, but i'm starting to think the betrothal isn't secure at all even with the ironwood offer.

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