Can't download to my son's laptop

edited June 2009 in Game Support
I purchased the W&G series on behalf of my son and so far have had no problems downloading and saving the setup file to a shared drive for him to access using his laptop.

My internet security suite and router route all downloads to my desktop so that I can monitor the progams/zip files, etc being downloaded. Trying to cut and paste the setup file for Muzzled onto our shared drive results in the following error message...

Cannot copy Muzzled_Setup: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

Is this due to a fault downloading or is it related to copy protection? (Like I said, this method worked fine for the first two episodes...)

Any help you could give me would be appreciated.


  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    This isn't really something I've come across before. If it worked on the previous episodes, then it may just be a case of a bad download (none of the security has changed since the first episode.)
  • edited June 2009
    Gordon - if copying to the shared drive doesn't work - perhaps try it to a USB key and use the "sneaker net" to take it to your son's computer.

    I think Will's right, though - sounds like the file is corrupted. Might pay to re-download it.
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