Haha yeah, that guitar match in BTTF was great. I liked it when her boyfriend fell off the plank and into the rubbish bin lol "You broke my head stock" or something like that.
Let's see:
Back To The Future: The Game = The guitar match with Jennifer watching. So awesome.
Jurassic Park: The Game = Man Vs. Rapto… morer.
Poker Night 2 = Brock finds out he and Ash are related/.
The Walking Dead Season 1 = No Time Left Herd scene with the meat cleaver.
The Wolf Among Us = The fight at the end of Episode 3 with Bloody Mary and the Tweedles.
The Walking Dead Season 2 = Carver at the ski lodge. In Harm's Way herd scene in close second.
Tales From The Borderlands = Loader Bot Introduction.
Game Of Thrones = Red Wedding opening.
God, I feel like a fossil. it's mind reeling just seeing Bone and Strong Bad being mentioned after this long stretch of time. I've almost forgotten everything from the classic lineup. Like any bout of nostalgia, it makes one both a little happy as well as sore and upset to look back at all this again in detail. Thanks for the trip back, Jennifer, from a fellow wizened classical-Telltale-era forum member.
A favourite scene? My small bit will relate to BTTF, given how little need there was to give the matter any thought: definitely the scene with Doc Brown in a diving suit, with Christopher Lloyd putting on what I'm ready to swear upon my life was a hilarious and intentional faux Quebecois accent.
Just for the heck of it, I'll pick one (or more) moment(s) that stood out the most for me in all of Telltale's games.
* Telltale Texas … moreHold'em: "You don't look like a Boris Krinkle, you look more like a Leonard Steakchalmer" (because he showed up later as Leonard in Sam & Max, with Max delivering the exact opposite of this line :P).
* Bone: Out from Boneville: The scene where they left the valley and the sun came up. This was the first sign of Telltale's games striving for a cinematic presentation.
* CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder: The first person shooter case. It involves a sequel to a cult game called Fuzzy and Bill that is cancelled because the studio that made it wants to stick to milking the franchise that makes them millions. A clever play on the cancellation of Freelance Police at LucasArts which is the catalyst that led to the formation of Telltale Games in the first place.
* Bone: The Great Cow Race: The line at the beg… [view original content]
Haha yeah, that guitar match in BTTF was great. I liked it when her boyfriend fell off the plank and into the rubbish bin lol "You broke my head stock" or something like that.
God, I feel like a fossil. it's mind reeling just seeing Bone and Strong Bad being mentioned after this long stretch of time. I've almost forgotten everything from the classic lineup. Like any bout of nostalgia, it makes one both a little happy as well as sore and upset to look back at all this again in detail. Thanks for the trip back, Jennifer, from a fellow wizened classical-Telltale-era forum member.
A favourite scene? My small bit will relate to BTTF, given how little need there was to give the matter any thought: definitely the scene with Doc Brown in a diving suit, with Christopher Lloyd putting on what I'm ready to swear upon my life was a hilarious and intentional faux Quebecois accent.