What if Mira become a Cersei minion?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I was wondering if there will be a choice between Cersei and Margaery. Like Cersei asks ... joke Cersei demands Mira to spy Margaery and you had to choose between them two. What would you do?


  • Margaery.

    You misspelled Cersei in the thread title XD.

  • "Cresei" XD

    Margaery. You misspelled Cersei in the thread title XD.

  • I don't know about a choice between her and Margaery, but I always wondered if Cersei's 'I'd imagine you'd do almost anything' and subsequent smile hinted at something like this potentially down the road.

  • I have a feeling Cersei will ask Mira to testify against Tyrion at the trial after the Purple Wedding in exchange for protection of the Ironwood/her house against the Whitehills. She won't technically become her "minion" but if you choose that option you will technically be working for her. Interesting idea though.

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