Anniversary Page

edited June 2009 in Site Support
Okay, two things were out of place when I went to the anniversary page at 5 in the morning:

1. It kept having to automatically refresh the page before it was even done loading.

2. It kept saying I had 0 redeemed coupons, when, in fact, I had 6 to my account.



  • xtrmntrxtrmntr Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Evan, thanks for the heads up. We're in the process of wrapping up the anniversary promo thing right now & while it looks like the page is temporarily busted, the coupon redemption stats are all safely stored in our database. We're hoping to have the page fixed today & we'll be following up with everyone who took part in the next few days about the distribution of all the credits that have been earned. Any other questions, please let us know. Thanks!

    - Eric @ Telltale
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