I can't tell you how great I got with flying. I literally could kill my friends with a news chopper in a tunnel and come out the other side with them dead and me with barely any damage...Good times.
I actually found a cheat, use the hoverboard to get past the guards on the wooden planks, it works, I tried it twice the first two times I beat the game.
Let's see:
-Lots of Jak 2 missions
-"The Driver" mission in Vice City, you have to be incredibly perfect to beat the race.
-Flying … moreschool in GTA San Andreas and Zero missions
-Torture scene in MGS, i had to press the freaking button like crazy
Good...God, there are quite a few missions in this unbalanced game that really piss me off, and most of the time it's the damn game's faulty mechanics that fail the mission like the four annoying racing missions.
Oh fuck. Just... oh fuck. That's the only way to sum it up. What the fuck is with the devs? Surely nobody can think that making missions so goddamn hard was a good idea.
Oh fuck. Just... oh fuck. That's the only way to sum it up. What the fuck is with the devs? Surely nobody can think that making missions so goddamn hard was a good idea.
I can't ever be stealthy in Assassin's Creed. Each game feels more punishing than the last. I'm done with it honestly. Might just delete Unity and Black Flag so that I have room for some decent games on my Xbox One.
My logic with everything is "I'll try to stealth but if things go bad then i'm slaughtering everyone."
I just never got that option with those missions and that made it so hard.
I can't ever be stealthy in Assassin's Creed. Each game feels more punishing than the last. I'm done with it honestly. Might just delete Unity and Black Flag so that I have room for some decent games on my Xbox One.
Not really. I don't care much for Black Flag anymore. I've already got it on the 360, so I may as well not bother with it on the One. And as for Unity, I tried so hard to get some enjoyment out of it, but there's none there at all. As I play I find more and more problems with it. Sometimes, for no reason, the game will just freeze up as if my controller is off when I change my equipment. The only fix is to restart the game.
Every fucking collectible has some obstacle in front if it. I've lost track of how many times I've wasted ammo and medicine trying to get to a chest that I can't get to because I don't have a high enough lockpick skill, or spent hours trying to navigate tunnels to find a chest which has almost no money in it anyway. Everything is fucking locked away from you unless you fork out ridiculous sums of money to Fuckisoft (for real, over here, the most expensive Helix credit pack costs AUD$138. WTF? This is fucking wallet-rape.)
Sorry, I kinda lost my shit their. Anyway, I am officially done. If Ubisoft doesn't change their ways and stop locking content away from non-fanboys who don't fork over everything in their wallets to them, then I am done buying anything from them. I don't care if it's good or not. If they keep punishing loyal fans, then I'm not going to ever support them again.
GTA 3 mission "Big'n'Veiny. Tried so many times. Don't know what the problem was. Today it's very easy.
Prince of Persia Warrior Within. … moreHuge black demon chased me, mother....er. When I got rid of him, I missed one stupid sword and the final boss was unstoppable b..ch. Removed that fu..ed up game from my computer in anger.
Assasin's Creed. Killing templars with my fists is very frustrating.
I got frustrated with Assassins Creed 2. Never past the race in the beginning due to broken controls. Never tried another Creed game.
And… more San Andreas missions: Robbing Uncle Sam, Wrong Side of the tracks, Green Sabre,Body Harvest,Tanker Commander and Wu-Zi-Mu.
Yeah, San Andreas and it's fu...ng schools. Some car trick were impossible to do. I mean to score gold or something. Triathlons were even worse. No matter how buff my CJ was I couldn't win. I hate SA for that.
Let's see:
-Lots of Jak 2 missions
-"The Driver" mission in Vice City, you have to be incredibly perfect to beat the race.
-Flying … moreschool in GTA San Andreas and Zero missions
-Torture scene in MGS, i had to press the freaking button like crazy
Not really. I don't care much for Black Flag anymore. I've already got it on the 360, so I may as well not bother with it on the One. And as for Unity, I tried so hard to get some enjoyment out of it, but there's none there at all. As I play I find more and more problems with it. Sometimes, for no reason, the game will just freeze up as if my controller is off when I change my equipment. The only fix is to restart the game.
Hardly ever experienced any glitches. PS4 for the win. :P
Every fucking collectible has some obstacle in front if it. I've lost track of how many times I've wasted ammo and medicine trying to get to a chest that I can't get to because I don't have a high enough lockpick skill, or spent hours trying to navigate tunnels to find a chest which has almost no money in it anyway. Everything is fucking locked away from you unless you fork out ridiculous sums of money to Fuckisoft (for real, over here, the most expensive Helix credit pack costs AUD$138. WTF? This is fucking wallet-rape.)
Well I don't know why you care about collectibles so much. :P
I never made any micro-transactions, you only do those if you suck.
Sorry, I kinda lost my shit their. Anyway, I am officially done. If Ubisoft doesn't change their ways and stop locking content away from non-fanboys who don't fork over everything in their wallets to them, then I am done buying anything from them. I don't care if it's good or not. If they keep punishing loyal fans, then I'm not going to ever support them again.
I'm a loyal fanboy and I enjoy the series a lot still, I hardly experience glitches and I don't do micro-transactions.
Not really. I don't care much for Black Flag anymore. I've already got it on the 360, so I may as well not bother with it on the One. And as… more for Unity, I tried so hard to get some enjoyment out of it, but there's none there at all. As I play I find more and more problems with it. Sometimes, for no reason, the game will just freeze up as if my controller is off when I change my equipment. The only fix is to restart the game.
Every fucking collectible has some obstacle in front if it. I've lost track of how many times I've wasted ammo and medicine trying to get to a chest that I can't get to because I don't have a high enough lockpick skill, or spent hours trying to navigate tunnels to find a chest which has almost no money in it anyway. Everything is fucking locked away from you unless you fork out ridiculous sums of money to Fuckisoft (for real, over here, the most expensive Helix credit pack costs AUD$138. WTF? This is fucking wallet-rape… [view original content]
Achievement hunter here. Going for no deaths on hardest difficulty in one go in Max Payne 3. The tactical challenges in Vanquish. Completing everything in DMC4. Doing all these things shaved a few years off my life.
I'm just one of those people that likes to do everything there is to do in a game and get 100 percent when I can. I might be able to handle some of the content in Unity being locked if it wasn't actually in the game already.
I guess I can't really say that the Xbox One is better, but it's what I got for Christmas, so I'm not buying a new console. And plus, I'm a Halo fanboy.
The thing is, though, that not using microtransactions does kinda fuck with you a lot, with chest being hidden away or locked behind that bloody companion app. Either way, I'm done. I can't get any real enjoyment from Unity with all the shit it has after release.
Not really. I don't care much for Black Flag anymore. I've already got it on the 360, so I may as well not bother with it on the One. And as… more for Unity, I tried so hard to get some enjoyment out of it, but there's none there at all. As I play I find more and more problems with it. Sometimes, for no reason, the game will just freeze up as if my controller is off when I change my equipment. The only fix is to restart the game.
Hardly ever experienced any glitches. PS4 for the win. :P
Every fucking collectible has some obstacle in front if it. I've lost track of how many times I've wasted ammo and medicine trying to get to a chest that I can't get to because I don't have a high enough lockpick skill, or spent hours trying to navigate tunnels to find a chest which has almost no money in it anyway. Everything is fucking locked away from you unless you fork out ridiculous sums of money to Fuckisoft (for real, over here, the most expens… [view original content]
I'm just one of those people that likes to do everything there is to do in a game and get 100 percent when I can. I might be able to handle … moresome of the content in Unity being locked if it wasn't actually in the game already.
I guess I can't really say that the Xbox One is better, but it's what I got for Christmas, so I'm not buying a new console. And plus, I'm a Halo fanboy.
The thing is, though, that not using microtransactions does kinda fuck with you a lot, with chest being hidden away or locked behind that bloody companion app. Either way, I'm done. I can't get any real enjoyment from Unity with all the shit it has after release.
Either a puzzle (if its not a puzzle specific game) or when the game wants you to do something that just isnt clear, I.E you have to press an obscure button to progress
For some reason when I was six I could beat the final boss without getting damaged. Now I have to collect all the honeycombs and get double health from the final note door if I'm going to fight Gruntilda.
For some reason when I was six I could beat the final boss without getting damaged. Now I have to collect all the honeycombs and get double health from the final note door if I'm going to fight Gruntilda.
Yep, you can also use dark bomb into the water as dark jak to kill the robot, or simply punch your way through the docks, it's very effective, unfortunatley for me i knew these tricks until i had already completed the mission
I actually found a cheat, use the hoverboard to get past the guards on the wooden planks, it works, I tried it twice the first two times I beat the game.
Trying to lead fucking cattle to villages in Mount & Blade: Warband. You'd think they'd just follow, but no, they run in the exact opposite direction. I remember I wasn't paying attention once and Bandits started attacking them. Who in the Hell attacks cows?!?!?
In the hanger of Woelfenstein TNO. I was stuck on it for months. And some of the Borderlands missions I've been stick on. Those acid spitting and bigger skags are annoying to deal with. Ammo can go quick dealing with those bitches.
man i hated both driving and fucking flying lessons goddamn. and R* almost pissed me off when they put that shit again in V, but thankfully that came to their fucking senses and didnt completely make it so goddamn frustrating
Yeah, San Andreas and it's fu...ng schools. Some car trick were impossible to do. I mean to score gold or something. Triathlons were even worse. No matter how buff my CJ was I couldn't win. I hate SA for that.
Which part of Zeus battle? the 2D section or inside Gaia?
Everyone sucks at driving in GTA 4 the handling sucks for all the cars.
The only reason why I got good was cause I beat the game 12 times.
I only played Multiple player with friends.
I can't tell you how great I got with flying. I literally could kill my friends with a news chopper in a tunnel and come out the other side with them dead and me with barely any damage...Good times.
I actually found a cheat, use the hoverboard to get past the guards on the wooden planks, it works, I tried it twice the first two times I beat the game.
oohhh fucking a those fucking flying lesson were painful
The Last of Us. Grounded.
I got so frustrated with the Evil Within. It was just too hard for me, and the gameplay was not easy to master. I ended up selling it in the end.
The 2D battle was eerily annoying, but the last battle inside Gaia made me permanently hate Zeus.
Oh yeah... This game had some fucking missions...
Or the Not Get Detected missions...
Oh fuck. Just... oh fuck. That's the only way to sum it up. What the fuck is with the devs? Surely nobody can think that making missions so goddamn hard was a good idea.
My logic with everything is "I'll try to stealth but if things go bad then i'm slaughtering everyone."
I just never got that option with those missions and that made it so hard.
I can't ever be stealthy in Assassin's Creed. Each game feels more punishing than the last. I'm done with it honestly. Might just delete Unity and Black Flag so that I have room for some decent games on my Xbox One.
That's pretty harsh. :P
Not really. I don't care much for Black Flag anymore. I've already got it on the 360, so I may as well not bother with it on the One. And as for Unity, I tried so hard to get some enjoyment out of it, but there's none there at all. As I play I find more and more problems with it. Sometimes, for no reason, the game will just freeze up as if my controller is off when I change my equipment. The only fix is to restart the game.
Every fucking collectible has some obstacle in front if it. I've lost track of how many times I've wasted ammo and medicine trying to get to a chest that I can't get to because I don't have a high enough lockpick skill, or spent hours trying to navigate tunnels to find a chest which has almost no money in it anyway. Everything is fucking locked away from you unless you fork out ridiculous sums of money to Fuckisoft (for real, over here, the most expensive Helix credit pack costs AUD$138. WTF? This is fucking wallet-rape.)
Sorry, I kinda lost my shit their. Anyway, I am officially done. If Ubisoft doesn't change their ways and stop locking content away from non-fanboys who don't fork over everything in their wallets to them, then I am done buying anything from them. I don't care if it's good or not. If they keep punishing loyal fans, then I'm not going to ever support them again.
yaaa mostly the invinvible one it was very hard and frustrating but it was best dlc ever
yup that gta ughhh so frustrated
nfs most wanted final race was soooo hard for me and frustrated
I got frustrated with Assassins Creed 2. Never past the race in the beginning due to broken controls. Never tried another Creed game.
And San Andreas missions: Robbing Uncle Sam, Wrong Side of the tracks, Green Sabre,Body Harvest,Tanker Commander and Wu-Zi-Mu.
Urrgh, those goddamn races.
Yeah, San Andreas and it's fu...ng schools. Some car trick were impossible to do. I mean to score gold or something. Triathlons were even worse. No matter how buff my CJ was I couldn't win. I hate SA for that.
Banjo-kazooie(At the Boss level)
Hardly ever experienced any glitches. PS4 for the win. :P
Well I don't know why you care about collectibles so much. :P
I never made any micro-transactions, you only do those if you suck.
I'm a loyal fanboy and I enjoy the series a lot still, I hardly experience glitches and I don't do micro-transactions.
The Dog from Duck Hunt.
Achievement hunter here. Going for no deaths on hardest difficulty in one go in Max Payne 3. The tactical challenges in Vanquish. Completing everything in DMC4. Doing all these things shaved a few years off my life.
I'm just one of those people that likes to do everything there is to do in a game and get 100 percent when I can. I might be able to handle some of the content in Unity being locked if it wasn't actually in the game already.
I guess I can't really say that the Xbox One is better, but it's what I got for Christmas, so I'm not buying a new console. And plus, I'm a Halo fanboy.
The thing is, though, that not using microtransactions does kinda fuck with you a lot, with chest being hidden away or locked behind that bloody companion app. Either way, I'm done. I can't get any real enjoyment from Unity with all the shit it has after release.
Alright, although you should be more open minded.
I've tried. If you enjoy it, cool. I might give it another go, but I ain't gonna be buying for Ubisoft for a while.
In my opinion that's crazy to do but whatever.
Every Cutscene in Call of Duty
Either a puzzle (if its not a puzzle specific game) or when the game wants you to do something that just isnt clear, I.E you have to press an obscure button to progress
The battle inside Gaia was kinda easy for me after i discovered you get almost all your health back if you hit her heart when it glows
For some reason when I was six I could beat the final boss without getting damaged. Now I have to collect all the honeycombs and get double health from the final note door if I'm going to fight Gruntilda.
The only reason I couldn't finish it was because back then I had this shitty TV that had no audio
.I threw it away.
Yep, you can also use dark bomb into the water as dark jak to kill the robot, or simply punch your way through the docks, it's very effective, unfortunatley for me i knew these tricks until i had already completed the mission
Trying to lead fucking cattle to villages in Mount & Blade: Warband. You'd think they'd just follow, but no, they run in the exact opposite direction. I remember I wasn't paying attention once and Bandits started attacking them. Who in the Hell attacks cows?!?!?
Just....God. Fuck villages.
In the hanger of Woelfenstein TNO. I was stuck on it for months. And some of the Borderlands missions I've been stick on. Those acid spitting and bigger skags are annoying to deal with. Ammo can go quick dealing with those bitches.
man i hated both driving and fucking flying lessons goddamn. and R* almost pissed me off when they put that shit again in V, but thankfully that came to their fucking senses and didnt completely make it so goddamn frustrating