What happened to the culture shock max?

edited June 2009 in Sam & Max
I was wondering what happened to the voice actor of max in the first episode? i knew that he was ill but wasn't sure if he was seriously ill or not.

Is he okay now?


  • edited June 2009
    I believe he was ill enough to put him out of recording for the next episode, but then recovered and I'm sure he's well now. However, Telltale decided to stick with the new voice actor for whatever reason (better, not switching again).
  • edited June 2009
    I believe he was ill enough to put him out of recording for the next episode, but then recovered and I'm sure he's well now. However, Telltale decided to stick with the new voice actor for whatever reason (better, not switching again).

    yeah i dont want the voice changed. Just wondered whether he recovered. Glade he's okay.
  • edited June 2009
    I found a post from Jake from 2008 over on the LucasForums, which confirms what I said:
    The original voice actor (Andrew Chaiken) had some medical problems crop up between Culture Shock and Situation: Comedy, so Telltale had to recast Max. Though Mr Chaiken is now fully recovered, it seemed silly to re-recast, as everyone was happy with the new Max.
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