What does Tyrion want from Mira?

Ok so after the merchants have left the room, you and Tyrion talk about making a deal in which he agrees to only buy iron wood from the Foresters. However he says he expects something from you in return.....

So what does he want? The most obvious one I can think of relates to Mira being Margery's hand maid, does he want us to spy on Margery? Or maybe he wants us to obtain something that belongs to Margery or her family - maybe the key from episode one will come in handy at this point.


  • I figure its probably something to do with Marge, but it won't matter soon. If the Purple Wedding happens next episode its likely any dealings we had with Tyrion are gonna mean less than shit.

  • Since the Purple Wedding is coming possibly in the next episode, Mira may need to help him escape, or it may be a moot point because he will no longer be the master of coin when he accused of killing Joff, so he won't be able to call in the favor of giving the Forresters exclusive Ironwood rights.

  • This is certainly true, however that doesn't mean it's impossible that we are asked to do something before the wedding begins, that depending on what it is could land us in even more trouble!

  • Well knowing Tyrion, I would assume he wants dat ass.

  • Alt text

    Well knowing Tyrion, I would assume he wants dat ass.

  • Damn, he's horny. Fortunately Joffrey's death will save Mira.

  • he wants dat mira puss puss

  • I think he inherently sympathises with the Northern cause (given his recent marriage to Sansa etc) but can't display it openly for obvs reasons. In the show, we saw his reaction to the Red Wedding so I think he's trying to to kill two birds with one stone, to do good by the realm and support the Northern cause (by going with the Forrester Ironwood).

    I didn't even think of the Purple Wedding implications in choosing to have Mira side with Tyrion. I think this may mean that Whitehills will get in on this deal unfortunately but I think the realm will be too busy will the PW fallout for this to be on anyone's radar.

  • edited February 2015


    Well knowing Tyrion, I would assume he wants dat ass.

  • Yes this reasoning wouldn't surprise me. I think whatever he wants Mira to do with be revealed either before the wedding actually happens. Or it won't be revealed at all because of the events that take place after the purple wedding.

    To be honest I'll be sad to see him leave, he's one of my favourite characters and he brings some humour to Mira's play through. Saying that, I wonder if we'll meet him in Esso while playing as Asher?

    I think he inherently sympathises with the Northern cause (given his recent marriage to Sansa etc) but can't display it openly for obvs reas

  • edited February 2015

    To know where the whores go.

    [Note: this is not a misogynistic comment, it's a ADWD reference, just to stave that off...]

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah now you see that thing that has always bothered me about that is.........the assumption is made that she is a whore! Lets not forget why Tyrion snapped and killed Tywin in the first place.

    1) Tywin had Tyrion's marriage to Tysha annulled (or so we're led to believe). He told Tyrion that his relationship was a sham because Tysha was in fact a whore that he had hired for Tyrion without his knowledge. He made up this story that Jamie was in on it too.

    2) Tywin then has her raped by his guards and makes Tyrion watch.

    3) After years of believing this Jamie finally reveals the truth - which is that she really was a crofter's daughter and not a whore.

    4) So before he makes his escape, he decides to confront Tywin, only to discover none other than Shae (the whore he had been keeping as a consort and who had also betrayed him) in Tywin's bed! Which makes Tywin a hypocrite at least (the irony here is that both Tywin and his own father Tytos died with a whore in their bed!).

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    To know where the whores go. [Note: this is not a misogynistic comment, it's a ADWD reference, just to stave that off...]

  • The assumption made that Mira's a whore? That's ridiculous, have people been making that?

  • eventually he wants the honey pot... Loved all the Tyrion scenes btw

  • A threesome with Sansa included. A midget fucking two probably underage girls, where else but GOT right?

  • So I just finished Ep.2 and I have a question. How is Mira going to trade wood with Tyrion if one of its half was given to Elaena and Whitehill takes another one.

  • I think she's just selling it to Tyrion as a supplier. Shouldn't be much of a problem.

    I think the problem lies between the Glenmores (if you secured a marriage by offering half the ironwood) and the Whitehills who claim the ironwood.

    Obviously half goes to the crown, and we're given to understand that the Glenmores have the ability to kick some Whitehill ass. So it's down to what action the Glenmores are going to take in retaliation for the Whitehills stealing what is now technically Glenmore ironwood.

    Tahon posted: »

    So I just finished Ep.2 and I have a question. How is Mira going to trade wood with Tyrion if one of its half was given to Elaena and Whitehill takes another one.

  • The Whitehills currently hold the half that belongs to the Glenmores if you win Elaena over. The other half still belongs to you and the supply to Tyrion will be coming from that supply.

    Tahon posted: »

    So I just finished Ep.2 and I have a question. How is Mira going to trade wood with Tyrion if one of its half was given to Elaena and Whitehill takes another one.

  • It isn't anythibg sexual. At the time he was still in love with Shae.

  • Yes me too.

    Biderbeck posted: »

    eventually he wants the honey pot... Loved all the Tyrion scenes btw

  • Yeah because that's....entirely reasonable. You do make a good point thought, about GOT; just when you think you believe one thing; the suddenly and violently gets ripped from under your feet!

    Clemenem posted: »

    A threesome with Sansa included. A midget fucking two probably underage girls, where else but GOT right?

  • Yes, which is why I've never thought that that's what he wanted.

    Majda posted: »

    It isn't anythibg sexual. At the time he was still in love with Shae.

  • Yes she is, because if I remember correctly Tyrion warned her that, if she chose to make the deal with him it would mean that the Whitehills wouldn't be able to sell iron wood to the crown. They would have to go through the Foresters if they wanted to sell, which could result in open war between the two houses.

    Hoyzenburgh posted: »

    I think she's just selling it to Tyrion as a supplier. Shouldn't be much of a problem. I think the problem lies between the Glenmores (if

  • A war that the Glenmores would have a stake in, assuming a marriage takes place. Those additional men do apparently give the Forresters the military advantage. Though I don't know what kind of impact we'll be seeing when the Whitehill kid arrives.
    But my real concern about a potential war is whether the Boltons get involved. Whitehill mentioned that the Boltons couldn't really give a toss as long as they got what they want, but I'm not so sure. I get the feeling that they'd step in if things get out of hand, and you can bet that whatever they demand is going to lean heavily in favour of the Whitehills.

    Yes she is, because if I remember correctly Tyrion warned her that, if she chose to make the deal with him it would mean that the Whitehills

  • Any viewers of the show should know its not what he meant simply because its his character. Admittedly, I try to think from the character's PoV though, and Tyrion does have a bad reputation in this regard, so my thought during the time was 'I know you just mean spying or something, but if I was actually some handmaiden here, this would come across as very creepy.'

    Yes, which is why I've never thought that that's what he wanted.

  • Yes I can see why it would come across as creepy. He also seems to be drawn to innocence, whether actual or not (by this I mean an innocent nature rather than he likes really young maidens) the exact opposite of his "sweet sister" Cerci.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Any viewers of the show should know its not what he meant simply because its his character. Admittedly, I try to think from the character's

  • He is married man now. As much he wants dat ass he won't ask for it.

    Well knowing Tyrion, I would assume he wants dat ass.

  • Being married didn't stop him seeing Shay. However I don't think he's interested in Mira in that way, if I'm right in my guess about her age; then I'd say (like Sansa) he thinks of her as being too young (my guess is Mira is either 14 or 15).

    He is married man now. As much he wants dat ass he won't ask for it.

  • I'd say about 19. Talia would be around 14/15.

    Being married didn't stop him seeing Shay. However I don't think he's interested in Mira in that way, if I'm right in my guess about her age; then I'd say (like Sansa) he thinks of her as being too young (my guess is Mira is either 14 or 15).

  • hmm now you see I think Talia is 13.

    hayd24 posted: »

    I'd say about 19. Talia would be around 14/15.

  • Probably 14.

    hmm now you see I think Talia is 13.

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