Book or Show personalities?

It has only been two episodes, but I feel like that the original characters acts rather differently. I know the game is not about the original cast of characters, but I still want to voice my thoughts.

For me, Tyrion's personality feels like how he would act in the books. He has a darker vibe of cunning. Ramsay's personality on the other hand seems more in line how he is in the show.

What do you think? Do you think the originals characters are based on their personalities in the books or the show?


  • I actually feel like Telltale did a good job on capturing the feel of the characters for the most part. Cersei, Ramsay, Marge, and Jon are all good representations of their characters from the show. Tyrion's darker cunning side may feel more like book him than show him because to be honest, we don't see that side of him a lot in the show but its still there

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