Fables issue 150 has to cover these things
(Please bear in mind people that I haven't read the Clamour For Glamour story arc of Fairest)
So cuz I do this on different threads, why not just compartmentalise all the points into one thread? :P
So off the top of my head, these are the points that Willingham has to cover in the last issue of Fables:
Rose and Snow's conflict: This is obviously going to be the main point of the last issue. The pieces are all in place and now it's time for the sister's conflict to begin and end.
Bigby's restoration: So apparently Rose makes Bigby look human again in issue 149 (if anyone has a picture of proof then please post it!) Her plan is to use him to kill Snow and then become her lover afterwards.
Brandish: This guy has killed Lancelot and now he is going to become even more of a problem. How should he die is the question?
The creatures in Castle Dark: This got revealed a few issues ago, there are dark creatures in Castle Dark, but they aren't a problem yet.
Geppetto's plan for The Farm/Haven: This has been dropped for the last 10 issues. His plan is to create another army of Wooden Soldiers.
Cinderella's assassination of Frau Totenkinder: This was brought up in Fables 145 but we have heard nothing of it since then...
The Cubs: They have been ignored for the last number of issues, 150 HAS to show them and reveal who gets the last 3 Fates. It also has to show Ambrose and Lake getting together.
Whatever Grimble is up to: Seriously, what the hell is he up to? We still don't know where he is or what he is looking for. We can all assume that it is Brandish's heart, but we've only seen snippets of his adventure so far...
Can Willingham pull all of this off and still give us the Last Story of Boy Blue in the end???
Is there a date for 150 yet? ;-; or atleast a rough date
Here you go.

Rose is a fucking bitch!!
Something must go wrong though, Bigby won't be controlled so easily
Also I disagree with her comment about Snow 'taming' Bigby... That is complete bullshit, Snow loves Bigby! She doesn't just use him for the sex!! XP
My rough date would be March...
We don't have a confirmed date or even a look at the issue cover!!
Unless they are releasing 150 as Volume 22 in which case the release date for that is June 12th I believe
Well Fairest Volume 5 comes out in August... THAT is ridiculous.
Something WILL go wrong %)
Bigby will TAKE Snow (If you know what I mean) and Rose be like "Godammit!"
I think Rose believes that Snow and Bigby's marriage was a case of using him for the sex and ensuring the kids had a Father
Like when she gets the ring she makes a comment on how she 'understands' why Snow would get so wet for him... No Rose :P
Snow and Bigby have something called True Love!!
Well you got 150 pages to cover that :P
I think it is rather funny that Rose imagine "Alright, I am going to turn Bigby back to his normal looking appearance. I have to expect that Snow doesn't seems surprise that Bigby, who has killed a lot of Fables already, is suddenly back to normal and doesn't investigate it further. Then I have to expect that Snow is cooking, I am going to have him strike her."
It doesn't seem like a foolproof plan to me. Also, despite the seriousness of the panel, I thought the sight of Snow cooking is rather cute.
Well Snow is depicted as a typical housewife when we see the family; she cooks the food and cleans the house, she raises the kids with Bigby and when she isn't doing any of that she is more than likely with Bigby doing something
But Wolf Manor is destroyed though... so when Snow see's Bigby she will ask questions (and resist the urge to hug him)
I really doubt that everything I have listed can be dealt with fully in 150 pages...
Unless Willingham is planning some cliffhangers (potential story if he writes more Fables in the future perhaps?)
Well thats all Rose wants him for, she wants him to kill Snow, and then make him think that she is Snow for reasons unknown
Willingham just said there will be a break between 149 - 150. ;-; But its all written, so maybe we will get it in April
Maybe Rose wants children from Bigby?
Did he post that on Twitter? I don't have a Twitter account so I wouldn't know :P
Well my birthday is April 3rd, guess I have something else to look forward to besides turning 20 XD
Willingham is teasing
If anyone can think of what the scene is, be sure to let us all know
All I can think of is the speach
Rip, I ate your comment, but yeah hes been posting alot on twitter
It's a moment from Shakespeare's play Henry V when someone shouts a battle cry...
This means a battle will happen in the issue at some point!
Have there by chance been more fans asking him 'When will you write the next Season of Fables?'???
Cuz that garnered a very 'frustrated' reply from him
Yeah, I think it might be some speech that Snow says before a battle or something
Nope ;-;
I dont think he will continue fables after 150 to be honest
All it is is Bardolph yelling: "On on on on, to the breach, to the breach!"
Bigby and Snow... they're all I care about in Fables
Help me man, I can't live knowing they will be separated again T_T
Why not? The fans want more and his writing team keep putting ideas by him...
He doesn't have to write another 150 issue series, maybe 50 more issues
I just feel its better to end while your ahead, than to go on till it gets dumb
Let's see what gets left unresolved at the end shall we?
The Toxic Dream Last Story was left as is and that had some pretty big things going on like Charming going to kill Sinbad!!
Well, these are the tweets he posted about #150
Well, at least he's saying he wants to get it right. While it's not certain, that could mean covering all bases (such as the things that needs to be addressed like you've listed)
That second link he says that ALL of our predictions will be wrong...
Well issue 150, I shall give up completely on trying to figure out what it is
I love how the top few comments are basically "MORE FABLES PLZ!" XD
I don't want the resolution to be rushed. That's all I am asking for. I know the last issue is large, is there really enough time to resolve every thing?
I think that as well, but apparently there will be a break until issue 150, so there is time...
Yeah, I have a feeling he'll have #150 be the definitive end to the Fables, and he'll close the book on Fables and move onto write other projects (and I totally respect that, and have no problem with it).
He may still work as occasional consultant on a possible TWAU game (if Season 2 is ever green-lit), but I think that would be it.
I can't be hearing this!
After all the hinting in past interviews...
Totally agree.
While I'm a bit sad to see Fables ending, I'd rather see it end when it's at it's peak, than have it fall and trying to reach the heights it once were in again.
End has a kinda bittersweet feeling, I should say.
Snow and Rose dont die and everyone gets along.
Get Rekt willingham
While I agree with the bitter-sweet comment. I just wish we could have seen more of the beautiful romance between Bigby and Snow...
I hope he at least considers reviving the series in the future, he keeps hinting things like how his editor still wants to continue writing Graphic Novels after issue 150 is released. You don't just get people's hopes up and then bring them crashing down again
And I'm not the only fan that wants more either!
Here is the ultimate kick to the balls: Jack fucking Horner arrives after everyone has killed each other and rewinds time to before he runs into Bigby's Office in issue 1, making a side comment that he'll make sure things turn out ok this time around...
Please no.
Hey man, if theres 2 characters I'd want to return in 150 it would be Prince Charming and Jack ;3
Jack bloody Horner... If he has something to do with Fables ending, then I will be sooo pissed!!!
After all the shit he pulls in not one but 2 comics, and then he has the nerve to have sex with Bloody Mary. His return for the grand finale would ruin the series for me...
Please please please Willingham, give us a sign that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you could write more Fables after taking a few years away from it...
I. Hate. Him. So. Bloody. Much!