Did you stand up for Cotter?



  • I stood up for Cotter. Yes he's a thief, but I figured he might make for a handy ally later (his thieving skills might come in handy). The other main reason is this......I really really wanted to punch Finn! So yeah, I didn't hesitate! The first opportunity I got I punched him right in his smug head! Yeah that's right my Gared started that fight, I wasn't going to just let him bend over and take crap from Finn. The way I see it, my Gared HAD to make an example of Finn. To show Finn and all the other guys that.......You can fuck with potatoes.....but you can't fuck with Gared and get away with it!

    No black eye for my Gared! Now Finn is a black and blue brother! =p

    P.S. I don't normally condone violence........this was an exception.

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