My New Animated Series!
Hey Guys! So, I am making an animated series about Five Nights At Freddy's, and It will be serious and very deep into the lore, it will be starting in the timeline of Fnaf 2, and I need some Voice actors and 3 other animators,
Now, To be a voice actor, you Need a Youtube Channel (Not required, it would just be helpful), A Skype account, A working Microphone, and Be willing to not be paid, at least until I get my bank account set up, Animators just need good animating skills, some outlet where they upload art (Also not required, It would be helpful), and I need one Editor to edit it all together.
I really wanna make some friends during this experience. and Make something awesome for people to remember us By. If you wanna join in, You can email me, or PM me, ( I have 15 Roles for actors, so go ahead and just ask.