Yet Another Widescreen Thread

edited November 2009 in Sam & Max
Not to pester you, but I was wondering now that you've actually made Season One run in widescreen on Wii and Xbox 360, would it be possible to update the PC version as well?


  • edited June 2009
    Do want. I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I may even be willing to pay a bit for it.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Significantly easier said than done I'm afraid. I'm still hoping for it but if it's a case of updating a 3 year old version vs launching a new platform or something, then more people would benefit from the entirely new things.
  • edited June 2009
    hopefully they will ofc get widescreen, good developers support their games, and since you cant play Sam & Max Season 1, anymore if you got a widescreen well, that isnt fun.

    And it looks absolutely horrible.

    But as always, this new trend, the PC people get shafted, even when they are the ones supporting the company and making it possible for them to even think about consoles. So very sad :(

    Im always very curious if this socalled "HD Graphics" is just some kind of TVshop slang, or Xbox 360 also gets better graphics?.
  • edited June 2009
    I must be missing something. I played season one on my PC with widescreen with no issues. O.o
  • edited June 2009
    Yes, but your screen was stretched then, you didn't play with a widescreen resolution.
  • edited June 2009
    Will wrote: »
    Significantly easier said than done I'm afraid. I'm still hoping for it but if it's a case of updating a 3 year old version vs launching a new platform or something, then more people would benefit from the entirely new things.

    Damn... I was hoping it was possible to update the downloads like before and/or create a patch for the DVD but now that I think of it it probably wouldn't be that simple.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Damn... I was hoping it was possible to update the downloads like before.

    If it were to happen, it would probably be like that. The problem is that it would need quite a bit of development and testing time to make sure everything was safely working. The last thing we want to do is update everything for a relatively minor cosmetic update only to end up breaking things.
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    hopefully they will ofc get widescreen, good developers support their games, and since you cant play Sam & Max Season 1, anymore if you got a widescreen well, that isnt fun.

    Im always very curious if this socalled "HD Graphics" is just some kind of TVshop slang, or Xbox 360 also gets better graphics?.

    Two things here:

    For the "not supporting old games" thing, this isn't support so much as an update. When we have a bug that doesn't get supported, to me that's a bad thing and it *always* sucks. But this isn't really a bug, it's an added feature. It's like this: when I was a kid I got Jurassic Park on VHS, but now it's probably out on Bluray. And as cool as it would be for them to just send me the updated version for free, it isn't reasonable to expect them to.

    As for the "HD Graphics," there actually are a few graphical things that the xbox does better than the Season 1 engine. On the xbox, bump mapping is handled better and things are generally more crisp, so yeah it actually is a visually improved version.
  • edited July 2009
    Will wrote: »
    It's like this: when I was a kid I got Jurassic Park on VHS, but now it's probably out on Bluray. And as cool as it would be for them to just send me the updated version for free, it isn't reasonable to expect them to.

    Not even close

    It would be like Blu-ray players being available and in widespread use, but Universal only releasing a VHS version. Besides, it's not like Sam and Max Season One came out 13 years ago...

    Anyway, I would love a widescreen patch as well. I bought Season One, but only played through the first episode because of it. Maybe I'm just anal :D

    If a fix ever did come, even if it was a cheesy hack like the ones I've seen floating around, I'd probably pick up the next season. Here's hoping for an awesome fan service
  • edited July 2009
    you can evem get a widescreen resolution in Doom 3 simply by editing 3 line in the DoomCongig.
    Works perfectly! nomore stretching!

    Edit: I just found this!

    I'm going to try that now
    maybe it works

    Edit2: hmm... didn't do anything for me. It alsway tells me "File prefs.prop not found." but it's defenetly there!

    Edit3: I also tried this
    But couldn't really find anything in the editor that is mentioned there.

    I'd really like to know if it's working for some of you guy.
    The results in the screenshot look so nice!
  • edited July 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    you can evem get a widescreen resolution in Doom 3 simply by editing 3 line in the DoomCongig.
    Works perfectly! nomore stretching!

    Edit: I just found this!

    I'm going to try that now
    maybe it works

    Edit2: hmm... didn't do anything for me. It alsway tells me "File prefs.prop not found." but it's defenetly there!

    Edit3: I also tried this
    But couldn't really find anything in the editor that is mentioned there.

    I'd really like to know if it's working for some of you guy.
    The results in the screenshot look so nice!
    I tried the tool from your first link on the Steam version of 104 and it works like a charm.

    Looks exactly like the screenshots from the second link. No stretch just larger view on the sides.
  • edited July 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    I'd really like to know if it's working for some of you guy.
    The results in the screenshot look so nice!
    Download the tool again. It has been updated to fix a resolution search bug. You should be using ver 1.1a July 12.
  • edited July 2009
    still nothing!
    I downloaded the newest version on my telltale account.
    Is anyone of xou using vista?
    maybe it's that Visual C++ Runtime components that doesn't work for me....
    I just download it, install it and then nothing.
    can't find it anywher...
  • edited July 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    still nothing!
    I downloaded the newest version on my telltale account.
    Is anyone of xou using vista?
    maybe it's that Visual C++ Runtime components that doesn't work for me....
    I just download it, install it and then nothing.
    can't find it anywher...
    I use XP, is your Vista 32-bt or 64-bit? If it is 64-bit you probably need the x64 version of the Visual C++ Runtime component.
  • edited July 2009
    It's 32 Bit.
  • edited July 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    It's 32 Bit.
    Would it be possible for you to get an account at ?

    Support of this utility does not really belong on TTG's site.

    Then post what you have tried and what you see at this thread.

    I wrote the tool and can better help you on that forum.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    EGOvoruhk wrote: »
    Not even close

    It would be like Blu-ray players being available and in widespread use, but Universal only releasing a VHS version. Besides, it's not like Sam and Max Season One came out 13 years ago...

    Nope it came out three years ago...
  • edited July 2009
    Thanks Derrick
    i will do that later.

    (I've tried it on TOMI and it's working with that!)
  • edited July 2009
    Derrick did a wonderfull Job in helping me!
    Everything's working now.
    If you experience the same trouble I did, turn out UAC or simply put the prefs.prop file in your documents folder, patch it there and put it back to the original folder.

    Thanks again Derrick!!
  • edited July 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    Nope it came out three years ago...

  • edited July 2009
    Things have changed a lot in the PC world in just three years.
  • edited August 2009
    ...Am I the only one who wouldn't prefer widescreen? Teehee.
  • edited August 2009
    It doesn't really bother me to just run the games in 1024x768. It still looks good, IMO.
  • edited August 2009
    I'm kinda confused here. I'm playing Season 1 right now @ 1600x1200. I have a 1920x1200 monitor. The game does not stretch for me, but instead runs in a kind of letterbox, where the black bars are on the sides rather than top and bottom. There is no stretching at all, and everything looks proportioned correctly.
  • edited November 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    Derrick did a wonderfull Job in helping me!
    Everything's working now.
    If you experience the same trouble I did, turn out UAC or simply put the prefs.prop file in your documents folder, patch it there and put it back to the original folder.

    Thanks again Derrick!!

    Hi Bruno, I understand you run Vista, right?
    What resoution did you set? so that I could try

    (as I wrote on the other forum, I think I can patch the file but the change isn't picked up by the game)
  • edited November 2009
    Derrick wrote: »
    Download the tool again. It has been updated to fix a resolution search bug. You should be using ver 1.1a July 12.

    Hi Derrik,

    first of all: thanks for the patch!
    I'm trying to make it work. How do I know what version of the tool I'm running?
  • edited November 2009
    ZiglioNZ wrote: »
    Hi Derrik,

    first of all: thanks for the patch!
    I'm trying to make it work. How do I know what version of the tool I'm running?

    Hey, it works! I need to run SamMax101.exe as an administrator too, I wonder why.
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