Whose side would you rather end up with?

Side with Stannis, be bffs with the Boltons, become buddies with the Lannisters (what's rest of them after next episode, anyway), stay loyal to the pretty much all-dead northern house (Starks) or what (Littlefinger, join the Whitehills, whatever)?



  • I, personally, would side with Stannis and march against the Boltons. There's no way they deserve to call themselves the Warden of the North and to sit in Winterfell.

    Also in the game, its likely we will also get to march with Stannis against the Boltons since the Forresters are one of the clans that join Stannis during his march in ADWD.

  • The North Remembers!

    Im all for the Starks. King in the North!!

  • Well, in that case we're in for a ride in this game. Even if we save the house we will still be going against the current King. Poor Forresters.

    I would side with him too, but I'm afraid someone might end getting burned to death D:

    I, personally, would side with Stannis and march against the Boltons. There's no way they deserve to call themselves the Warden of the North

  • Haha yeah. Gotta be careful when you side with Stannis but in the long run its better than being with the Boltons IMO

    SanQae posted: »

    Well, in that case we're in for a ride in this game. Even if we save the house we will still be going against the current King. Poor Forresters. I would side with him too, but I'm afraid someone might end getting burned to death

  • Ethan the Brave, Rodrik the Burned. I can see the people raging already

    Haha yeah. Gotta be careful when you side with Stannis but in the long run its better than being with the Boltons IMO

  • Winter is coming!

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    The North Remembers! Im all for the Starks. King in the North!!

  • if there are any Starks left living

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    The North Remembers! Im all for the Starks. King in the North!!

  • I can see Arya Stark surviving. At the end of Season 4, she's off to Braavos to meet the Faceless Men.

    if there are any Starks left living

  • Rickon is going to grow up to be the most badass motherfucking Stark who ever lived. Count on it.

    if there are any Starks left living

  • edited February 2015

    Bran Stark is well on his way of becoming the next three-eyed raven :))

    if there are any Starks left living

  • They're all alive but Robb and the Parents, so?

    if there are any Starks left living

  • edited February 2015

    The North Remembers. I'd really like the Forresters to join the Grand Plot to restore the Starks to power. If not i wouldn't mind if they join the New One in the books.

  • I'd fight for stannis.

  • ^agreed!!

    Alt text

    I, personally, would side with Stannis and march against the Boltons. There's no way they deserve to call themselves the Warden of the North

  • edited February 2015

    dont forget Bran Stark ^_^

    if there are any Starks left living

  • edited February 2015

    ^ agreed again! @Shubbalubbadingdong i agree with your post 99.9% of the time :)

    Haha yeah. Gotta be careful when you side with Stannis but in the long run its better than being with the Boltons IMO

  • If the Starks weren't fucked up the ass I would continue to side with them, so I would have to go with Stannis.

  • Rodrik is already called the Ruined. But if Asher ends up as Lord though it would be pretty ironic for him to end up being called "the Burned".

    SanQae posted: »

    Ethan the Brave, Rodrik the Burned. I can see the people raging already

  • aye, but the Girls can't really inherit the Stark family unless there were no boys, and the boys can't hold a sword, if not the sword is taller than them.

    dont forget Bran Stark ^_^

  • White Walkers. They're best. Can freeze anything, superior swordsman with awesome swords and armours, cool language, ability to reanimate dead as their servants, riding undead horses, their beer is always cold.

  • edited February 2015

    True he will never hold a sword since he is crippled...and Rickon is only 6 (I believe), but Bran does possess the power of warg

    aye, but the Girls can't really inherit the Stark family unless there were no boys, and the boys can't hold a sword, if not the sword is taller than them.

  • Asher the Ashen.

    Storm_Lord posted: »

    Rodrik is already called the Ruined. But if Asher ends up as Lord though it would be pretty ironic for him to end up being called "the Burned".

  • To be honest the Bolton Army probably outnumber the one of Stannis quite heavily. The other major houses in the North that were loyal to the Starks were killed at the red wedding. I'd probably stick with the Boltons as they seem to be a more powerful ally and has the backing by the major houses in the North: The Karstarks, Ryswell, Manderly etc. I don't think that Stannis can rule the North unless he places Jon or Rickon as 'warden' of the North.

  • If we're not talking about playing as one of the Forresters, I'd go with Danaerys. She's done questionable things, but she's getting better. If it came down to a rock and a hard place, I'd pick Stannis over the White Walkers any day. But "Eddard Stark liked him" and "he's the mannis" only gets you so far. He's not! He is not the man, guys. Despite his good intentions, he'd kill his own brother to get to that throne. He'd allow his priest consort to immolate living sacrifices and convert-or-kill believers of other faiths - with both birds with one stone, in fact. He'd put down protests by execution. He has done all this. It makes you wonder, what wouldn't he do? Danaerys on the other hand has seen the event horizon and seems to be in the process of abandoning her course towards it. Of all the people not going in the right direction, she's taken a step toward it. I don't know how Danaerys plans to fuck Westeros, but I don't trust Melissandre. The religion of the Red God would fuck them even worse, don't expect Stannis to just turn on Melissandre once he has what he wants. Don't think he'll try.

  • a warg cannot stop an entire army

    True he will never hold a sword since he is crippled...and Rickon is only 6 (I believe), but Bran does possess the power of warg

  • edited February 2015

    “Death,” he heard himself say, “there will be death, aye. Your lordship lost a son at the Red Wedding. I lost four upon the Blackwater. And why? Because the Lannisters stole the throne. Go to King’s Landing and look on Tommen with your own eyes, if you doubt me. A blind man could see it. What does Stannis offer you? Vengeance. Vengeance for my sons and yours, for your husbands and your fathers and your brothers. Vengeance for your murdered lord, your murdered king, your butchered princes. Vengeance!”

    There is only one choice.

    Alt text

  • Problem is they kill you as soon as they lay a eye on you.

    Guys...I think they just wanted to join us...and John killed them all.

    OOOPS again?

    Yeah, nice going John! You could at least let them finish their sentence!

    Omid's cat posted: »

    White Walkers. They're best. Can freeze anything, superior swordsman with awesome swords and armours, cool language, ability to reanimate dead as their servants, riding undead horses, their beer is always cold.

  • But it can control an entire Hodor.

    a warg cannot stop an entire army

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited February 2015

    No. There were just misunderstandings. You think communication with Native Americans always was easy? People should give White Walkers a chance. They are cool. They know magic and can turn you into one of them. Imagine Forresters as White Walkers. Whitehill would crap his pants.

    Problem is they kill you as soon as they lay a eye on you. Guys...I think they just wanted to join us...and John killed them all. OOOPS again? Yeah, nice going John! You could at least let them finish their sentence!

  • They are cool.

    Alt text

    Omid's cat posted: »

    No. There were just misunderstandings. You think communication with Native Americans always was easy? People should give White Walkers a cha

  • Ohhh, cancer joke. Very funny. Not. Get better, mustache.

    They are cool.

  • Alt text

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Ohhh, cancer joke. Very funny. Not. Get better, mustache.

  • Finally someone said it. I could see it since his bully behavior with the Walders. The most perfect scenario would be to have him King in North and have Bran be his "Hand"... That would be badass.

    Rickon is going to grow up to be the most badass motherfucking Stark who ever lived. Count on it.

  • It was just one guy. In my head a title is only official when Talia sings it in my funeral

    Storm_Lord posted: »

    Rodrik is already called the Ruined. But if Asher ends up as Lord though it would be pretty ironic for him to end up being called "the Burned".

  • He could do that. It's not like he has a lot of northerners competing for the titie.

    Plot Twist: Rodrik becomes the Warden.

    (could still happen, but it might possibly break continuity since we don't know what will happen in the future)

    lindblom posted: »

    To be honest the Bolton Army probably outnumber the one of Stannis quite heavily. The other major houses in the North that were loyal to the

  • He woudn't be his hand, his claim is stronger than this so he would be the King. I don't count on Bran ever returning from the other side of the Wall, his story arc will end there.

    But yeah, I hope Rickon has been trained well and mature/a good person for a 7 year old (forgot how old he is) so the North will actually respect him even though he is young and will even more so when he grows up.

    Finally someone said it. I could see it since his bully behavior with the Walders. The most perfect scenario would be to have him King in North and have Bran be his "Hand"... That would be badass.

  • With the Bolton doing diplomacy like Jack The Ripper, I think most of the North will side with Stannis until a Stark may at last call his followers.

  • I dont think I would ever join with her. If anything I would join with Stannis and the other northern houses to put a Stark back in power in the North. The only Targaryen I would side my army with would be Aegon, and he might be a Blackfyre anyways so thats probably out the window anyways. Dany could possibly get the Iron Throne, but she has no allies and Aegon has a stronger claim.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    If we're not talking about playing as one of the Forresters, I'd go with Danaerys. She's done questionable things, but she's getting better.

  • Stannis has the Wildlings and the Northern houses fighting for him. Only a few are still standing by House Bolton, and the rest are just waiting til the time is right to turn their backs on Bolton (Manderly, etc). The Northerners want Jon as king of Winterfell and if not him, they have sent for Rickon who was last seen in Skagos. A Stark should rise back to power, but of course its up to George and we will see in The Winds of Winter

    lindblom posted: »

    To be honest the Bolton Army probably outnumber the one of Stannis quite heavily. The other major houses in the North that were loyal to the

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