Last Episode Choices

Now, i know the last episode is quite far, and most of these will probably wrong, but i have some guesses for the choices of the last episode of the series.

Mira Choice

Mira has a chance to go on a relatively safe journey back to the north, or marry into the south, we will have the choice to:

  • Reutrn to Ironrath, going on a well armed Merchant ship heading to the white harbour.
  • Marry the heir of a prestigious Reach house who by that point is a pretty major character and was established as a pretty likable guy and is very fond of Mira.
  • Take a third option and stay in King's Landing with Margery

Asher Choice

Having Defeated House Whitehill, Asher will have the option to marry his Juliet, Gwyn, but that'll mean Beshka is out of his life.

  • Marry Gwyn and return to Ironrath with her, getting your happily ever after, Beshka leaves to Essos.
  • Leave Westeros with Beshka and return to the life you had before, content in the knowledge your family is safe.

Rodrik Choice

after all the mess is done, a Stannis man comes to Ironrath with an offer of fealty, you have to option to...

  • Swear Fealty to the mannis, taking whatever is left of house Forrester to aid Stannis in his campaign.
  • Refuse to swear fealty, opting to stand out and not risk what remains of your house.
  • Shoot the Messenger and help the Boltons.(i have a very optimistic prediction of 2% of players taking this option)

Gared Choice

honestly i don't have a solid guess for this, maybe something like House Forrester vs Night's Watch.

also there should be some fifth choice.


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