Your favorite game villain theme?
Well-written villains are awesome and awesome villains comes with badass themes to them. These kinds of music solidify them and show the protagonist why they are dangerous. I have a lot of villain themes that I like, but two sticks out in my mind.
Final Fantasy IX - The Dark Messenger: I love the theme made by Nobuo Uematsu for the Final Fantasy series. But I consider this theme to be his masterpiece. This music is a boss theme for Final Fantasy IX's villain Kuja. After hearing his villain theme for most of the game, to suddenly hear a totally different and awesome battle version of it was down right amazing. When the bass and the organ picks up, you know that this guy means business. He isn't playing anymore. He is going to die soon and thus he have absolutely nothing to lose or absolutely no reason to hold back.
The Walking Dead Season 2 - Carver's theme: I would also give a special mention to Carver's theme by Anadel. You can say what you want about Carver, if he is well-written or not. But I still absolutely like his villain theme from A House Divided trailer. There is just something exciting about the built-up and the climax of the theme that is downright different from what I usually hear from villain themes. When I hear the theme, I feel a sense of horror but also the sheer badassery of it.
Which villain themes are your favorite?
Wesker's theme from Resident Evil 5
Sephiroph from final fantasy 7
I realy liked re 5 it was good for co-op and wesker was great in it
One Winged Angel is pretty damn popular too.
Haytham's theme from Assassin's Creed 3

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Well it's the vocal version which is not played during the game, but I feel the vocals completes it.
When you play KH and hear his song... RUN YOU FOOL!!!
Heh, when that happened to me, I had a tiny second of fear before I got slaughtered and got myself cut to dust.
^ This
Magus from Chrono Trigger had an amazing theme.
Magus Theme (Chrono Trigger)
That ^
How I miss the days when the Reapers were some unknowable Lovecraftian-esque villains rather than what ME3 made them out to be. Meh.
^ Those
I have two favorites.
Fear of the unknown is stronger than fearing something you know.