Cotter or Finn? Duncan or Royland? Sera or Coalboy? Beshka or Malcolm?



  • Cotter, Cotter the potato fucker

    Royland, only person who really knows how to fight a war other than Rodik and Asher.

    Coal boy, I don't trust sera she will do something stupid and get me killed.

    Beshka, I like a person who I know can destroy a bunch of thugs easy

  • edited March 2015
    • Cotter the Potato Fucker
    • Royland
    • Coalboy
    • Beskha
  • Cotter seems like essentially an alright person, whereas Finn is basically the Ramsay of Castle Black :L

    Duncan over Royland, Tuttle's attitudes and policies towards running Ironrath makes more sense to me.

    Coalboy because Sera is an obvious mole.

    Malcolm because I want to get back to Westeros, though I like Beskha more.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2015

    Cotter - Finn is a dick, and also I love somebody who can mash some Potatoes if you know what I'm sayin', know what I'm sayin'?

    Royland - Outside of the context of the house being in disarray, I'd pick Duncan. However, given the state of the house, I'd go with Royland since he has backbone.

    Sera - I'd suspect that Sera would be a much more reliable ally than Coalboy, even if he did save me.

    Malcolm - This is pretty easy - he's family. Even considering that Asher got exiled, I can't imagine that Malcolm had too much of a say in the matter.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2015

    whereas Finn is basically the Ramsay of Castle Black :L

    I hate the guy too, but I don't suspect he's that maniacal. :P

    ranger563 posted: »

    Cotter seems like essentially an alright person, whereas Finn is basically the Ramsay of Castle Black :L Duncan over Royland, Tuttle's at

  • Finally someone has the 100% same as me.

    Cotter - Finn is a dick, and also I love somebody who can mash some Potatoes if you know what I'm sayin', know what I'm sayin'? Royland -

  • Finally someone has the 100% same as me.

    Alt text

    Finally someone has the 100% same as me.

  • Cotter, bcs Finn suck (i don't like Cotter either but everything is better than Finn :D)

    Duncan, bcs he think before acting.

    Sera, bcs i don't trust the Coalboy

    Malcolm, bcs ... idk

  • edited March 2015

    Finn - Cotter is a douche

    Royland - He is able to bash skulls in when needed

    Coalboy - I do not trust Sera at all

    Malcom - Beshka is a sellsword

  • edited March 2015

    I don't know guys, Cotter seems like the obvious choice. A bit too obvious. Something seems fishy about that.
    I'll give Finn a chance, I think he'll mellow out in the long run.

    I'd save Duncan because he was apparently the person Lord Forrester trusted the most, even if Royland is the sentinel, I think Duncan should be kept alive. If he dies , who's gonna help Gared with the North Grove?
    I mean really, Lord Forrester didn't even tell his family about the North Grove, yet Duncan has his utmost trust? That's gotta speak volumes for this guy.

    Coalboy, because Sera looks like she would sell you out for gold.

    Malcolm would be the safe bet, since he's family.

  • Not many people picked Royland. I only picked him because he is rather dishy. :) *hides

  • Cotter, a Potato Fucker. Royland, the toughie. Sera, I like her. Malcolm, he is Asher's uncle. Family comes first. Also, I have a totally not fake moment from episode three. You are playing as Gared, and you walk into Cotter's room, after you saw him steal a potato. He is pleasuring himself in various ways with the potato. Gared Screams: YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T FUCK POTATOS! To be continued.

  • this ^^

    Cotter the Potato fucker. Duncan, my sentinel. Coalboy, my savior. Malcolm, because...Reasons.

  • edited March 2015

    Cotter the Potato Fucker,
    Coal Boy,
    This is the toughest one but i'd have to choose Malcolm because he's family

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