Will we see the Battle at Castle Black?

Since the Purple Wedding has been talked about by Tyrion, we can assume we are in the beginning of Season 4. So what do you think? Battle of Castle Black or nah? Biggest bonfire ever or nah?


  • Yeah, I think we'll see it.

    Episode 4, Sons of Winter, feels like that will be the time.

  • I'm not sure why, but I don't think we will.

  • I hope so. It was one of the best moments in the show IMO and it'd be awesome to see Telltale to include it.

  • I would assume that's why we did all of that weapons tutorial in episode 2, but the battle shouldn't be until episode 6, otherwise that's a big jump in the timeline.

  • I imagine if we do we'll see it from Gared Finn and Cotters perspective and we won't see Jon in the battle. I imagine the training from episode 2 will come into play: maybe we'll use a crossbow at some point and have an intense close quarters fight with a couple wildlings and maybe drop some of the pitch off the wall.

  • We bloody well better.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I hope we do, it would be awesome to experience it first hand and from a different perspective.

  • edited March 2015

    It's possible we might be north of the Wall at the time. This North Grove business might keep us away from the battle.

  • If Battle at Castle Black does happen to be in-game, I should probably start preparing for my framerate's funeral.

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