The Vent/Help Thread



  • It is mostly studying. That and sitting around on the internet CAN become old.

    The reference to a toe amputation was a figure of speech.

    Lingvort posted: »

    You must be some sort of deeply social person or you are really fond of studying, then. Also, amputating your toe will cause you to limp on

  • edited July 2015

    Heh, I guess it can. I never get bored while at it, though.

    Well, I'm just used to taking things literally, not to mention that it somewhat made sense in the context of your story.

    It is mostly studying. That and sitting around on the internet CAN become old. The reference to a toe amputation was a figure of speech.

  • edited May 2015

    Random rant

    Alt text

    Cops gets killed hardly reported no one gives a crap

    Citizen gets killed RIOTS, BURN SHOPS/BUILIDINGS everyone loses their minds

    Remember the Baltimore rioters blaming Racism targeting for the murder of Freddie Gray for their attacks even Obama hinted it was about race did you know the cops who ended up being found guilty of murder were from both races?

    Alt text

    Cops charged with murder ^ notice how all the rioters suddenly went quiet and that was because the racism for the murder argument making their actions acceptable was baseless and lies ^ They Destroyed and burned their city for nothing

    Alt text

    130 officers injured protecting the city they love and countless citizens for what?

    Now imagine in the first link the cops who got murdered shot back and killed those murderers and survived instead RACISM, BURN THE CITY, LOOT THE SHOPS, kill all cops people hiding behind an issue to make any action acceptable a free pass to do whatever they like, lets make the criminals heroes and the cops who protect us are the corrupt scum wtf

    Deen and Tate are the ninth and 10th law enforcement officers in the United States shot and killed by assailants in 2015,

    Violence solves nothing just annoys me how cops are seen as evil now, criminals destroying their cities are heroes with no consequences and NOBODY gave a crap about when cops are killed and they must never protect themselves

  • The difference is: Cop killers get put to death. Cops that kill suspects are moved to a desk job for a few weeks and then sent back to work.

    On an unrelated note, I'm sick of people making police brutality purely a race issue. News flash: cops abuse white people too.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Random rant Cops gets killed hardly re

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited May 2015

    In america, there is no waiting list. I could preform that no problem. I am a professional civil war surgeon.

    My life is unhumanly boring at the moment. I have an ingrown toenail of which is infected. I cannot wear a shoe and I must limp for even

  • This is what happens when you give people who don't know what their doing control of a situation. If you would of gave me control of that.

    Liberals want their town to be set on fire.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Random rant Cops gets killed hardly re

  • I knew a kid from South Africa who got beat up at least 4 times that I knew of because of Apartheid.

    Hmm. History shows a re-occuring pattern of groups being discriminated against because of a few disreputable examples of their own kind, Like how simply being from South Africa can attract stigma due to the Apartheid.

  • I'm not in America.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    In america, there is no waiting list. I could preform that no problem. I am a professional civil war surgeon.

  • Professional civil war surgeon

    Talk about not trusting doctors.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    In america, there is no waiting list. I could preform that no problem. I am a professional civil war surgeon.

  • Agreed.

    Oh, I know and that's a reason they're untrustworthy to properly treat wounds.

  • They are not necessarily doctors. They did not need a doctorate to be a surgeon back then.

    Professional civil war surgeon Talk about not trusting doctors.

  • Oh, I know and that's a reason they're untrustworthy to properly treat wounds.

    They are not necessarily doctors. They did not need a doctorate to be a surgeon back then.

  • The guy with the most charges for Freddie Gray's death is black.

    My uncle and cousin are NYPD cops. Cousin is pretty new, been in the force two years I think, and my uncle has been in 20+ years and is a detective. He was in New York City when 9/11 happened. He dug through the rubble. It sickens me that people hate them.

    Don't forget that NYPD cop Brian Moore who was shot in the head and died last week. Or those other two NYPD officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, who were killed a while back. And what infuriates me the most is that people pull the race card when it's a white cop shooting a black, but when a black shoots a cop (all of the incidents I just listed are) no one gives a shit. No protests, nothing. Fucking media. In fact, it's just not whites. It's all races of cops being targeted. These monsters who come and kill the ones in society who try to protect and serve it.

    And I just hear this:

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Random rant Cops gets killed hardly re

  • I can't really help, as I am a asexual man. Sorry.

    I don't know what's going on but my friend has been ignoring me for at least 7 weeks now. I think I may know why, but I wish she'd just tell

  • People can have preconceived conceptions of their own race too, you know.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Random rant Cops gets killed hardly re

  • Ask your school administration if you can attend in non-standard footwear with a doctor's note. I used to work in a job where I had to dress in a suit every day, with dress shoes. But when I had to have my toe worked on, I wore a sandal on that foot, with a black sock, and if anybody noticed, they didn't say a thing.

    My life is unhumanly boring at the moment. I have an ingrown toenail of which is infected. I cannot wear a shoe and I must limp for even

  • edited May 2015

    I tried. It is too difficult to walk around with the toe. Every step NEEDS to be calculated or I could end up in agony. Footwear just agrivates the problem because of the pressure beneath the toe.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Ask your school administration if you can attend in non-standard footwear with a doctor's note. I used to work in a job where I had to dres

  • 11th grade...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    What grade are you going to be in next year? In my experience, it is mostly the same until you're a Jr. and the intensive studying for finals starts.

  • Dude the police in the US are trained to shoot the fuck out of someone if they feel threatened. In my home town, back when I was in high school, the police shot and killed a thirteen year old with a pair of nail clippers and an elderly woman with a kitchen knife within a couple weeks of each other. I would look up how many people have been killed by police so far this year but I'm pretty sure that information does not exist. The police have A whole fucking Batman belt full of things they can use to subdue someone, but a lot of the time all their training and instinct tells them to just pull out their gun and shoot this scary unarmed person charging At them eight times. The whole system needs an overhaul.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Random rant Cops gets killed hardly re

  • Alt text

    Not everything is racism that is just silly

    People can have preconceived conceptions of their own race too, you know.

  • I don't know where you got that from my comment.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Not everything is racism that is just silly

  • That is disgraceful and I agree :)

    The guy with the most charges for Freddie Gray's death is black. My uncle and cousin are NYPD cops. Cousin is pretty new, been in the for

  • fair enough I'm Irish I don't live in America so your view should be more respected then mine on this issue :)

    Dude the police in the US are trained to shoot the fuck out of someone if they feel threatened. In my home town, back when I was in high sc

  • Oh boy...

    Good luck, I'm gonna be a senior next year, supposed to be way harder than what I had so far.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    11th grade...

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited May 2015

    Steam Australia is going to start adding taxes to the pricing in 2017.

    I know this isn't for a long time, but it makes me FUCKING FURIOUS. We already have to pay more than 2x the amount for our games to the point where I can barely afford it, and now they have the gall to add taxes? FUCK YOU VALVE.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2015

    A lot of us could stand to lighten the fuck up.

    It seems like lighthearted debate isn't something this community can handle anymore. I don't remember discussions being so venomous when I joined in March of last year. Everything is taken personally and super-seriously now. It's gotten to the point where I hesitate to put my opinions out there, for fear that ideologues are going to instantly shut me down in the most pig-headed way possible. Given what I've seen in the unpopular opinions thread, my fears are not unfounded.

  • To be honest, that's pretty much everywhere in real life and on the Internet. The arguments on here have always been somewhat venomous including the Kenny vs Jane arguments which resulted in death threats.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    A lot of us could stand to lighten the fuck up. It seems like lighthearted debate isn't something this community can handle anymore. I d

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2015

    Trust me, I'm no stranger to "spirited debate", but I used to be able to have entertaining discussions with other people on these forums, about politics, TWD, etc. There's not as many of those anymore. If I wanted to hear people bicker about feminism ad-nauseum, I'd go on Reddit. Fuck that shit.

    To be honest, that's pretty much everywhere in real life and on the Internet. The arguments on here have always been somewhat venomous including the Kenny vs Jane arguments which resulted in death threats.

  • Yeah, unfortunately a lot of those people are gone or not as active anymore.

    You're absolutely right, you can till have nice debates with people about politics and other things but you might have to pick who carefully as some people might get upset at things (This rule is pretty much applied to anything).

  • You're absolutely right, you can till have nice debates with people about politics and other things but you might have to pick who carefully as some people might get upset at things (This rule is pretty much applied to anything).

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Trust me, I'm no stranger to "spirited debate", but I used to be able to have entertaining discussions with other people on these forums, ab

  • I feel you.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    True, true. I'm mostly staying away from TWD sub forum these days, so that helps too. It's just disheartening, is all.

  • Yes, sadly that is true, although there are still good members where to debate with and new ones joining almost everyday.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, unfortunately a lot of those people are gone or not as active anymore.

  • True, true. I'm mostly staying away from TWD sub forum these days, so that helps too. It's just disheartening, is all.

    Yes, sadly that is true, although there are still good members where to debate with and new ones joining almost everyday.

  • I have been mostly avoiding TWD section for months now. I'm seeing similar things happening in the Borderlands section so I have been ignoring that place too lately. GoT is still alright though.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    True, true. I'm mostly staying away from TWD sub forum these days, so that helps too. It's just disheartening, is all.

  • I have a new Rant today

    So, Often, some People ask me,

    "Hey Noah, Who's your Favorite Music Artist?"

    So, I'll answer with my favorites, Which are, Starbomb, The Living Tombstone, MandoPony, And AmaLee. So, after I say that, They usually Scoff or Grunt, and say,

    "No Idiot, A REAL Artist."

    So, I'll sit there in Utter confusion, and ask what they Mean, They'll tell me, someone who you can hear on the Radio, Like 1D, Rihanna, Etc. And that makes me SO angry. I cannot express how freaking angered that makes me, So, Just because you aren't on the Radio, You aren't a REAL artist? IF YOU MAKE MUSIC, YOU ARE A MUSIC ARTIST!

    Amanda, LT, Arin, Danny, and Mando all work really hard on their Music, and Just because they aren't on the Radio, it automaticilly means they aren't Music artists? No, That is a Lie, That is stupid, and People who Believe that have probably never worked hard on anything. If you make music, and you like it, and others do too, You're a Music artist, IT. DOES. NOT. MATTER, if you're on the Radio or not!
    So, after sitting there with a DISGUSTED look on my Face, I say,

    "They ARE artists. If they Make Music, and them and others enjoy it, they're artists."

    There are some spineless and stupid people in this world, But those ones annoy me so bad. Rant Over.

  • So... I have no Idea where my Girlfriend is, she was supposed to get back Online today, and she's just gone. Which worries me. And to make matters worse, My world is falling apart around me. My family is starting to Lose it, One of my best friends is suicidal. and Now, My friend I've known since Kindergarten is pretty much a stranger to me. And Now, most of my other friends are either moving onto other things, or Ignoring me.

    So now, I'm being haunted by some of my worst Memories growing up, Like One of my best friends dying in a Car accident, My father leaving us in a house in the Middle of Nowhere, with barely any rent and No car. So everything is just shit Now. and now, The money I was going to donate this month is gonna have to be used to make a repair in this house, which Is making me feel like even more of an asshole, and Now that's on my Mind.

    And I'm running out of Ideas for all of my stories, So I'm completely Losing a lot. So, My sleep deprived brain, is Now also telling me to go fuck myself... God fucking damn Life.

  • life isn't so bad kid, just believe in the lord, and you will be alright.

    So... I have no Idea where my Girlfriend is, she was supposed to get back Online today, and she's just gone. Which worries me. And to make m

  • I hear Valve really is screwing people in other countries, isn't there a easier way like use GMG or something.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Steam Australia is going to start adding taxes to the pricing in 2017. I know this isn't for a long time, but it makes me FUCKING FURIOUS

  • Thanks George... I've been doing that, But I don't know if things will get better so soon...

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    life isn't so bad kid, just believe in the lord, and you will be alright.

  • As a fan of underground rap, I wholeheartedly approve of this message!

    I have a new Rant today So, Often, some People ask me, "Hey Noah, Who's your Favorite Music Artist?" So, I'll answer with my favori

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