Margaery is testing Mira!

edited March 2015 in Game Of Thrones

There's a scene that makes me think that Marge is testing Mira.

Why would she take the seal and leave the room,if her supposedly trusted friend and handmaiden Mira [as she puts it herself] is the one who handles her letters and still had one left to finish? She knows there is still one letter to be written. She just leaves for no reason and takes the seal with her as soon as the topic shifts to Mira's situation after the letter from her mother arrives. She clearly senses how desperate Mira and her family are.

And then it's like she's baiting Mira too, she says RIGHT as she takes the seal away : " A letter from me could certainly encourage the Glenmores to honor the bethrodal". She's intentionally putting that thought into Mira's head.

The way the camera pans on the seal as Marge takes it and the way she conducts herself afterwards make it seem like she's up to something,too.

But then again, you can never know with Natalie Dormer's mischievous smirk >_<


  • But then again, you can never know with Natalie Dormer's mischievous smirk >_<


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  • She didn't want to risk Mira forging a letter and futher weakening her status, so probably she wanted to read the letter first? I dunno, wouldn't make sense since she would have let it past still.

  • The camera pans on the seal to let you know she has it and forging a letter without a seal would be less convincing. That would be when stealing the seal in ep1 would come into play.

  • Wouldn't surprise me, the Tyrells are like that. But I wonder what Marge really has in mind for Mira though, if she has to test her.

  • edited March 2015

    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this! I was beginning to think it was just me being paranoid! I would go so far as to say I not only think it's a test, but also a trap!

    1) She knows who the final invitation is meant to be sent to.

    2) She takes the seal, even though she knows Mira needs it for that invite.

    So if her father's drinking buddy doesn't receive the invite she will most likely suspect it was because Mira never sent it. If he receives an unsealed invite then she will most likely suspect that Mira didn't take the seal. I think it's worth mentioning that I think Margaery has already given her father's friend an invite and has asked that he inform her if he receives a second one or not (far fetched but still possible). Also if he receives one that is sealed then she will know for sure that it was Mira who took the seal!

    It would seem more devious and discreet than say, contacting Eleanor Glenmore directly.

  • She is testing Mira. She needs to pass the test to join the Handmaiden Conspiracy Tyrion was often talking about!

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    She is testing Mira. She needs to pass the test to join the Handmaiden Conspiracy Tyrion was often talking about!

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