Fables 150 issue cover!!!
So, we have Snow and Rose depicted as angels fighting each other, Snow is the one who is winning by the looks of it. And pretty much every major character from Fables is in the background watching...
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Dude that cover looks wonderful. I love the theme they used and all the Fables surrounding them. Seeing Rose and Snow like angels reminds me of those silly cartoons were the character has one good and one bad on each side. It would make sense, what with the cover and all.
Can't wait for the issue to be released.
I like pointing out that Snow is the angel above Rose, so maybe that is a sign?
I hope so. I really and honestly hope Snow takes control and destroys Rose Red, especially after the crap she tried pulling on the last issue. Good VS. Evil! >:D
I just want Bigby and Snow to reunite!!!
Get that out of the way and I don't care what else happens XD
Maybe throw in a kiss between them... or maybe something else
Something tells me they'll be reunited alright....just not in the way we'd all hope.
I could be wrong. I just want them and the Cubs to have a Happily Ever After. They all deserve it. 
I think it would be more powerful if they were reunited in the Afterlife:
Like maybe Snow dies along with Rose, then many centuries later, Bigby finally dies after outliving his Cubs. When he wakes up in the Afterlife, Snow is there.
They run into each others arms, crying and blissfully happy, then they kiss after so long away :')
I heard its not coming out until July
Now THAT would be one hell of an ending.
I always forget Bigby is supposed to outlive his cubs, too. XD
BUT!! As powerful as that would be, I still want them to live out their days together. Bigby will likely outlive Snow, so that ending could still happen
Yep, July 22nd
Sorry dude, July 22nd confirmed release date
Lel, the same day when I'm going to London, maybe finally I'll get a chance to get my hands on some physical copies fingers crossed (it feels like a destiny now)
Wow, just wow.......this cover brings me to tears (with the whole end of the journey feeling)....
So far, I can see from the cover:
I like it. It gives off the ensemble feel, which is what Fables was in the first place (although Snow and Bigby are like the poster characters).
Only two characters I can't tell who they are: the guard who is whispering to Cindy (maybe it's Grimble? Though I'm not sure), and another character who is looking at the statue back turned away from the viewer (character betweem Beauty and Jack Horner, the number "150" also kinda hides the character a bit.
Also, I kinda wish they had included Pinocchio on this cover - they have Geppetto, Flycatcher and Boy Blue in here, why not him (I mean come on! He's one of the Fly-Blue-Pinoc trio!)?
It seems we will have 80 pages of #150, and other 80 pages will be dedicated to last stories of various characters (Boy Blue, Stinky, Lake and more):
July 22nd just can't come soon enough.....So I'm assuming Vol 22 TPB will be much later than that?
Yeah, a long time to wait.
Issue 150 is Volume 22. The full volume is 150 pages illustrated and 8 pages written.
I think that is Grimble talking to Cindy.
I have a feeling that the hidden person is Red Riding Hood for some reason
Ok, so the lead story is 80 pages, then the rest is presumably for Last Stories.... Also that site states that issue 150 will be 160 pages :P
That's a pretty damn impressive cover issue. Can't wait for it to arrive.
They also stated that issue 150 will have a total of 150 illustrated pages, which leaves 10 pages being written.
This cover is gorgeous, but we still have the actual TPB cover to look forward to as well. This cover will be the inside cover (which comes right after Table of Contents and Who's who in Fabletown[Characters]).
Probably Last Words by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, editor and maybe the head of Vertigo comics (since Fables has been a Poster Child series for them for many years)?
I do wish they would have the return of illustrated FAQs for one last time though. It can't be helped if there just isn't enough space (due to other content, and that is okay, since they're not actually mandatory), but some of them (in the past) were pretty hillarious.
When I saw the cover -
When I realized this means FABLES is coming to an end -
I think it might just be this cover
Most (if not all) of the previous TPB covers have been issue covers, Volumes 15 and 16 use covers from the issues they contain.
The Afterword will be interesting...
You know I'm expecting just a little hint of SOMETHING from Bill or Mark XD
Really? I guess that's good but if it's really coming to an end maybe its for the best. I wouldn't want the series to get dragged out too much.
There's always Wolf Among Us Season 2 though... right? starts crying again
It may not be a definite end
Bill made hints in interviews throughout 2014...
Well, I wouldn't mind it either way, as long as both covers are awesome....
It pretty much is the good vs evil of Fabletown. That is beautiful! Love the gold tones.
Knowing its coming to an end is bitter sweet. It was a wonderful comic but all good things must come to an end.
MAYBE a season 2 of TWAU since this IS ending....TTG?
You know that Bill announced the series would end quite abruptly right?
He stated in one interview "I can't see an end to the series!" then a month or so later he says "Issue 150 will be the last issue" He puts it down to job security with Vertigo (they have always had a rocky contract)
He hinted that he may return cuz his writing team (particularly his editor) want him to write more. His editor Shelly Bond actually wants to continue writing Graphic Novels even after issue 150 is released, she just blanks him when he reminds her of 150 is meant to be the last one! XP
Let's not forget that this was Willingham's most stable form of work for 13 years. When he finished Elementals, Bill was writing odd issues for various comics, but never anything long-term. Then he makes Fables, and it's won 14 Eisner Awards during it's run!
It inspired a popular video game to be made, and a film is in the works... You think Bill can just call it quits after 150 is released?
... No, he can't...
Well he announced abruptly, but I remember in one interview that he had decided to end the series at #150 with Mark (Buckingham) for a while before the announcement was made.
So it's not like he just thought out of the blue to end the series - they had been planning it for quite some time (keeping it a secret from other people. I'd imagine him saying "I can't see the end" was to trick people into thinking it will go on).
This is explained in the newsarama interview below:
And personally, if the series has to end, I want it to really end it on a High (and I think it's pretty much that point at the moment). I don't want him to come back just because other people have told him to write more.
All good things must come to an end, and while I'm really sad to see it end (sniff, sniff), I'd much rather have it end now than prolong the series and end it at lower point (I've seen it with various TV shows showrunners, Comic book artists etc who fell into that trap)
While this is true, Bill will always be asked whether he will write more Fables...
Also Bill makes mention of possibly revisiting Fables in that interview
I think one of the aspects unique about Fables has been these legends living in exile in the mundy world. The comic was the first medium I think to explore that concept (OUAT basically copied that concept lol).
Now, majority of them seem to be going back to homelands (with probably only very few of them staying behind), so how would he continue?
Some characters in their last stories were met with tragic ends (such as Briar Rose, who's now a sleeping undead), and even characters like Beast and Jack (yes I hate him, but there are people who like him, so) who have remained dead in their last stories since their deaths in the respective volumes.
I kinda don't see the reason to continue when some of major characters have died (and most likely won't come back), but who knows. He could do stories after #150 but before Last stories, but I'm not so sure they would interest me as much (though I will check them out).
I just don't want Willingham to be pressured and give into people's demands to prolong the series. That situation never goes well.
That is true, but in other interviews Willingham said if he wanted to come back, then he would...
I guess he could write some other tales for surviving characters, or maybe new characters?
Well, he should really only come back if he's 100% confidant he can outdo the original series anyway.
And that I'd imagine would be a really, really difficult task (with quite a few things that may be going against him, such as death of several main characters), especially if he's setting up the #150 as the definitive end to the series.
Even though Fables will end, we will still have TWAU comic for a while. Whether that can go on after its run ends will depend entirely on Telltale, with their status on TWAU season 2.
I'm starting to wonder if TWAU comic will be the Season 2 we are hoping for...
It is certainly a lot more 'canon' to Fables than the game is.
It depends on how 150 is handled tbh, I may read it and think "Yeah, this works, more is not necessary" BUT, there is always the possibility of things being left out and me saying "He should continue cuz this wasn't covered"
I agree 100%. Too many comics and TV shows (looking at you, Dexter!) have been dragged out too much from their peak and their end became very anticlimactic and lowered in quality.
I guess it's all up to Telltale now. Even TWAU season 1 comic would end sometime, and if Telltale don't announce Season 2 before then, I guess that would be pretty much it for Fables (unless Willingham wants to come back to it, though I somehow doubt it).
I haven't finished Dexter yet (halfway through Season 2) but does it really get worse as it goes on?
Consensus is that, the show reached its peak at end of Season 4, but from Season 5 ~ 8 show gradually decreased in quality, and majority of people didn't like the series finale ending.