Do you think that Talia and Ryon will make it to the end of the game?


I personally voted for "only Talia" because in the game (as of right now), Ryon is a piece in the game between houses. He's not safe where he is and clearly no one is afraid to go to drastic measures (after what happened to Ethan and all).

Comment what you voted for and why below.


  • I think Ryon might end up as a determinant. It seems to be leaning that way.

    As for Talia...could go either way. Might kill her off to push Rodrik over the edge.

  • I picked only Ryon although Talia is easily my favourite I feel like Ryon will be one of the few of House Forrester to survive and the way you played as Rodrik\Ethan might affect what kind of lord he becomes.

  • edited March 2015

    I think Talia might make it. I mean, she has no real reason to die, Ethan was a lord so I figured he could've been assassinated at any point (happened MUCH sooner than I thought however.. aha... cries a lot). Talia on the other hand ? She's pretty much irrelevant as far as power in House Forrester is concerned. Maybe marriage material which actually gives her even more reasons to be kept alive, but anyway, I don't see anyone benefitting her death right now. If someone wanted revenge for something Rodrick did they'd go for Ryon, which brings me to him~

    Ryon is currently an hostage. That in itself puts him in a rather precarious situation, any wrong move on Rodrick/Mira/Asher's part and he's doomed. I could see him survive, but I could see him die as well. Any non-negotiated way to get him free will be dangerous, that's for sure.

    So I voted, probably Talia.

    Well, those are just suppositions anyway, we never know with all the crazy fuckers there are in GOT D:

  • Talia better make it.

  • Losing Ethan in a rather sudden and violent manner was bad enough. 8U This being GoT, my hopes aren't too high for their survival, but we can hope.

  • You evil you!

    I think Ryon might end up as a determinant. It seems to be leaning that way. As for Talia...could go either way. Might kill her off to push Rodrik over the edge.

  • I have a feeling Ryon won't make it..

  • Talia will make it. She has to! She's my favorite NPC.

    I'm seeing a lot of parallels between the Starks and Forresters so far, (the father dies, eldest son molded for leading, a banished son, eldest daughter in KL, grieving widow, etc). So maybe Rodrik will die? Although I wonder if they would kill him off "twice" though. Can't ever not consider it in the GoT universe. AHH!! So much things to think about.

  • edited March 2015

    I'm thinking they'll keep them alive so that they can still go places with the story. If there's a second season they may want to bump the protagonists back up to 5 again and Talia is an ideal candidate IMO.

    Hopefully this won't be TWD where they kill everyone off except for the PCs.

  • A gut feeling tells me that Ryon will be determinant.

  • I'm calling it. Talia will die no matter what. She's just so.... nice and innocent. A character like that dying at the hands of any enemy will get the player's blood boiling.

  • I would say Ryon is the more likely out of the two to die. I would love for Talia to a become a PC and to go full Arya next season or something though

  • If they don't I don't want him becoming the next Kenny

  • I think they will make it, although I really think Talia is going to be raped or something sad

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