Will you leave the [Spoiler] for [Spoiler] or stay?

Will you leave the nights watch in search of the North Grove? Even if it means you risk desertion andd be branded a deserter if the nights watch? I tell you Telltale know how to place all the cards on the table. But I look back to Jons situation from season 1. How he wanted to go help his brother in the war, but in the end he was reminded that his family is with the nights watch now, not out there.

I'm still pondering the choice, maybe I will, maybe I won't. It's such a major decision.

Edit: I know we might not even get to make that choice considering how the next time preview showed Gareds situation. But still I reckon the decision will still be there in some form or shape.


  • I think you might be fine to remove those spoilers.

    If I were him, I'd go. Oh wait.

  • I'd go and search for the North Grove, if it could help the Foresters, I'll do it.

  • Honestly, I don't think there's any choice. But if I was given the choice, I'd go.

  • Nah I'm at the wall to fuck shit up. Fkn Duncan shouldn't have sent me to the wall if he didn't want me to be in the Night's Watch.

  • Fuck 'brothers'. I'm for my family, real family, not this shits.

  • Britt kinda made this choice moot didn't he. I was all set to leave the Nightswatch but after killing Britt you will have to go anyway.

  • Considering that deserters always get caught in the GoT world, I think I will stay loyal with the Nights watch and try to figure another way to get to the North Grove. Its almost impossible to escape.

    Certainly you could probably live north of the wall, but that will not end well when the White Walkers come.
    If you eventually flee south, you have to travel through a risky terrain where being spotted is easy. The Nights watch deal with deserters all the time and they know every possible method a deserter would use to get away, escaping them will not be easy, even if you may hide amongst the Forresters eventually or go to Essos.

  • If I could choose, I'd stay with the Night watch. If an opportunity arises, I'll help my family, but I swore an oath..

    But the next episode teaser suggests it's not a choice you can make unfortunately.

  • Gared will live happily ever after with the wildlings. Cotter will hook him up with a beautiful wildling girl n' everything!

    Seriously though I think Gared is pretty much fated to die.

  • I'd leave. I see no reason why Gared would be attached to the Night's Watch at all, but especially not at the expense of the people he loves. Heck even Cotter, if you were friends with him, is one of his only friends and he's not actually connected to the Night's Watch.

    Clearly we won't get a choice, but I'm all set to go with my Wildling guide.

  • It's a shame though, I was starting to like Finn. Hope there's some way to get him on your side and bring him along.

  • I would def leave. He was forced to go to begin with. Plus JON SNOW broke his vows, why can't gared break his? Oh just because jon snow was a wilding informant means he gets to break his vows and not be punished? so can tuttle. If wlader frey showed up at the wall, jon snow owuld kill him the first time he saw him

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