I have a serious problem... (Help...)
I know most people wouldn't expect this out of me I usually like to joke, play and have fun on the forums. I don't like revealing anything heavy but the past few days have been hell for me. I haven't been able to cut enough food down and I don't know what to think anymore. I just found out one of my old exes (I've moved on) was a transgendered except "she" revealed herself as a he. I'm not homophobic in fact at times I've wandered the "bi curious" line but after hearing this I felt sick and wanted to throw up. He was taking hormones so my idiot self never suspected a thing. Plz don't judge the last thing I need is hate after this
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Damn I hear stories like this all the time. I'm sorry that happened to you. What you need to do is calm down and do your best not to think about it. That is wrong and they should have told you in the beginning. Their only excuse is ''I was just afraid you'll hate me and get mad.'' It's better to tell someone early so there won't be any problems. Yes they hurt you, but don't take the route of trying to find them and kill them like others in this situation did.
Just be careful who you date and do positive things to get that out of your mind. Please don't starve yourself either or hurt yourself. Cheer up and be safe friend.
Wow bummer. Must feel like the ultimate betrayal.
Try eating some Ramen or Jello. They are the easiest foods I find to hold down for me at least. Just take a deep breath and a sip of a drink between each bite. You have to eat.
You have to get your mind off it also. Try learning or playing an instrument. Do something to channel your focus else where. Negative emotions only grow if you do not trim or tame them.
Jesus, that's bad
Sorry that I don't have much in the way of advice, since I haven't experienced what you have. Just know that I'm here for you, as well as the rest of the forum.
I'm really sorry for you
. Just calm down, don't think about it ever again, and hopefully time will heal all wounds. What he/she did was horrible, but just go on with your life; have fun, live, and create new relationships with trustworthy people. I wish you the best