paid game but it didnt did nothing
I bought the TFTB season pass since january, but it appears i havent bought it in the episode section (android device). Then when i touch buy in the section, it appears Updating content. Working. I thought this was normal because then only the episode 1 was out. When episode 2 was but i waited for almost an hour and nothing happened. When the Borderlands: The pre-sequel offer got out, I knew what was wrong: My game doesnt know I own the season signed in in my game in he device (I made the account from there). I know this because it says that if i buy the season pass, i will get the special content, and down below theres the option Buy season pass and i clicked it and it appears the same as always: Updating content. Working. Also, when i press the back key in my device, it goes out of the process, and if i go out of the episode menu and try to enter again, the game freezes and crashes. Im starting to get mad because i looked in my order history and my purchase is right there. Also, i mailed days ago and i havent recieved any reply.
Im starting to think that I should restore my device, but I wont do it until I have a official reply.
If you have purchased the Season Pass for your Android device, please make sure that you fulfill all of the requirements to receive your Tales From The Borderlands Unlocks in your Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel game. You can find the requirements if you own the Android version of TFTB towards the bottom of the Exclusive Loot Now Available Sticky.
I have both on PS4. I live in Germany and have the German edition. But when I click on the activation it tells me to purchase the Season Pass. I get forwarded to the Store and there see that I have purchased the Season Pass already. However it does not unlock the loot.
Anything I can do or does it need to be patched?
If you have already purchased the Season Pass on your Playstation account, your account already owns the season pass regardless of what it says in-game. As long as you have started both Tales From The Borderlands, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, they will be associated as owned on your account, and you should be able to log into your SHiFT account, and find your Loot Rewards in your SHiFT account page, the find them in the SHiFT Vending Machine in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
I´m not interested in the exclusive loot (I dont even own the game to use it), I only want that the game reconogize that I have bought the season pass to download and play episode 2 and the upcoming episodes.
Apologies for my confusion. can you please clarify if you are currently connected to a WiFi network on your Android device, or are you connecting via a Cellular Data Network? Also, can you please clarify what Android device you are currently playing on?
I use WiFi and my device is motorola moto g from the first generation
We are currently working on resolving the issue where the Season Pass in the Unlocks screen says 'Buy' instead of 'Purchased', however, it should not effect your purchase of the Season Pass. When you open the Episodes menu in-game, can you see the Season Pass as purchased there? Also, what does the messaging say next to Episode 2? 'Purchased but not Downloaded', or 'Coming Soon', or 'Available to Purchase'? Can you please clarify if you ever deleted and re-downloaded the game app from the Google Play Store?
Well, I saw that the game was using more space tan usual (like 200MB more and I deleted it.) Next thing I did was open the game and the season pass finally appeared purchased. I downloaded episode 2 and the other episodes appear as purchased. coming soon
Thank you for providing the extra information on how you were able to resolve your issue. For the latest news and announcements of when Episodes 3, 4, and 5 are being released, please check out our Blog, Facebook, and Twitter. Stay tuned there for updates!