Did you burn the Tyrion's letter letting house Forrester sell Ironwood?



  • edited May 2015

    No, power is power. And right now, Cersei could have you head chopped off for just breathing in a way that displeases her. You could, yes, use it when an opportunity arises, but that would imply keeping it very well hidden and with you at all times - and that alone is not a guarantee that no one will search you and find it. Someone's gone through Mira's bed chambers before and they will do it again if Cersei wants to. She's always hated her brother and she really hates the Northerners in general, so you are definitely someone she'll try to bring down for, well, making a deal with Tyrion and having been born where you have (and I think that's something that will happen whether you burnt it or kept it, but maybe making it 'disappear' will keep all your limbs and parts together).

    I could be very very wrong and maybe I'll regret burning it in the future, but right now Tyrion's in a very bad situation and so is anyone who's been near him that his beloved sister doesn't like (take Sansa for example, who was forced to marry him and never wanted anything to do with him, but is still made guilty of conspiring to kill Joffrey).

    Kept it. Information is power - it's better that I have it and can use it to my advantage when an opportunity arises than nothing. Just because I didn't burn it doesn't mean I can't claim that it's disappeared.

  • I don't know if you've seen the end of season four, but I don't think Tywin is going to capable of keeping that interest in Ironwood for much longer.

    HarjKS posted: »

    After going back to Episode 2, Tyrion mentions that Tywin Lannister has an interest in ironwood. Regardless of Tyrion's actions, I'm sure Ty

  • I kept it. I think it may be key to help get out of the murder wrap of the guard. Mira needs something to prove why the whitehill's killed that guard. Since he was the the only other one besides Mira and Tyrion that knew about the forester's ironwood deal with the crown. I'm also planting the murder weapon on Morgyn if possible.

  • I so kept it if only because I knew it would piss off Cersei.

  • Some time between the arrest and the murder. Tywin could approve an order before that comes to pass.

  • edited June 2015

    The way I saw it at the time:

    I kept it.

    Because I felt that it could be of benefit for the short term. You can always burn that paper later, first get some hard cash for Ironwrath. And you make a valid point about the Ironwood, but the thing is: Tyrion explained that even if they were harvesting it all, they still had to go through the Forresters to actually sell it. You are at this moment the sole supplier of Ironwood (to the Crown at least). I guess it will take some time (mouring Jeoffrey, trial of Tyrion) before a new master of coin is appointed. Untill that time you can try and use that decree.

    And besides, it's not as if it was a secret.. Lord Morgryn, Margaery and Serra probably know it too. And if they know, then probably more people do. So burning it in my mind will not get you cleared of any rumors at least.

    I didn't play the last episode yet, planning on doing that this evening, so I don't know yet if it will come and haunt me.

    LeeJames posted: »

    I knew something was too good about the decree.. Plus, doesn't look like they have an ironwood forest to sell anymore

  • That's why it's called "The Illusion of Choice"

    Joey9595 posted: »

    shame there is nothing you can do to stop maragery getting pissed at you, i went back and replayed it and told tyrion i couldnt risk an alliance with him, but still ended up in shit.

  • I burnt it, just for safety

  • edited June 2015

    I burnt it. I wanted to keep it, but I was afraid somebody would find it and use it against Mira.

  • I do agree, that one line of dialogue is ambiguous it what it meant. BUT! After playing episode 4, I think he meant the first option, he meant burn it to save your ass, and the "perhaps we can talk" bit refers to the thought of Mira not being tossed in the Black Cells. Seeing how he just gave up on the Ironwood business, and the contract is utterly worthless when it has Tyrion's name on it, I think burn was the right choice.

    jamie1ucas posted: »

    I like how different people can have totally different reactions to Morgryn's "if [the decree] were to disappear, perhaps we could talk agai

  • Perhaps it could be useful in some other way. (No, I don't know how, but it's KL. Eveything has potential to be a possible political gain, or loss)

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