Alright, I'm going to ask that we stay on topic now, guys. If you want to wait and see what the new mods are like, that's entirely understandable, but discussion on both sides has derailed the thread at this point. Thanks.
I already asked for you guys to stay on topic in an earlier post. If you don't like the idea of volunteer mods, Flog, that's fine, but honestly it seems you are a little chafed if anything at the idea of us lately. I already helped you with showing you where to send feedback about us in another thread, and I also extended the invitation for you to send me constructive criticism via PM as I'm willing to take honest and reasonable feedback (and I'd imagine the others are too, although I can't speak for other people on their behalf). There are other venues I've shown you before where you can send feedback, and I don't think this thread is one of them.
This is not just towards Flog61 but others too - please stay on topic. Thanks.
Plenty of people haven't openly been douchebags, I don't think thats enough of a criteria for 'respect' and 'praise'.
Should people be praised for not being theives, for example? Seems like an odd thing to praise someone for really.
The mods used to have to delete each comment individually. If you were around for boombox cheetos or the rule 34 attack then you know that being a mod then must have been just horrible.
Okay well you dont have to praise anyone. You also dont have to tell other people what they should and shouldn't do. I'm going to go ahead… more and extend the new mods a premature thank you for cleaning up a rediculous mess of trolling, flaming, spamming, and general douchebaggery that I would sooner ban everyone invovled with. Thank you, new mods, for doing all that stuff in the future so I don't have to look at it and for probably handling it better than a vast majority of people on these forums.
my golden prince
'discussion of banned users' etc etc
i swear you guys don't know how bad I wanted to say that
Of course.
Did you delete my Shaundi post? i spent 10 seconds on that
Yep, Flog's right. We don't want discussion of banned users for privacy reasons among other concerns. Also, it's kinda rude to mock them even in jest.
WHY? It was my life's work ;~;
I already asked for you guys to stay on topic in an earlier post. If you don't like the idea of volunteer mods, Flog, that's fine, but honestly it seems you are a little chafed if anything at the idea of us lately. I already helped you with showing you where to send feedback about us in another thread, and I also extended the invitation for you to send me constructive criticism via PM as I'm willing to take honest and reasonable feedback (and I'd imagine the others are too, although I can't speak for other people on their behalf). There are other venues I've shown you before where you can send feedback, and I don't think this thread is one of them.
This is not just towards Flog61 but others too - please stay on topic. Thanks.
I kind of miss that guy. A lot more entertaining than most trolls.
No-one 'has' to do anything.
And I'm not saying noone is allowed to respect them, i'm saying i personally don't yet.
I'm not sure it's rude to mock people who have issued death threats on the forum, but regardless, the first half is certainly a concern.
Welp, despite my request, this thread has gone off rails so I'm going to lock it.