TWDS2 doesn't save my progress

So I was playing TWD, I imported my S1 file and I got to the place where the episode 1 of season 2 almost ends (you know, where the river is). I quit the game and today, when I wanted to continue playing the save is gone, but I can see the checkpoint in the folder, but I have no idea why, game saids that I need to start all over again. I tried running by this tool, but it gives no results. Please help.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please clarify what platform you are playing the game on? (PC/Mac/PS3/Xbox/iOS/Android?) If you are on a mobile device, can you please clarify which device, and what OS version you are running? Also, if you are on PC/Mac, can you please clarify if you are playing the Telltale Games version, or the Steam version? After we receive this information, we will be able to assist you further.

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