maoi better blues question

edited July 2009 in Sam & Max
i have never gotten really stuck on any puzzle in the first or second season up until this episode and i got a bit stuck when you had to get the kids special from stinky... well i finally gave up and looked up the answer and I DONT GET IT!!

i might just be completly ignorant and stupid but i dont get why painting a circular gong red and shooting it would summon the bermuda triangle... bosco said at the beginning that red+octogon was the command to stop... but the gong was circular... so can someone explain this to me?


  • edited June 2009
    The yellow gongs summon the yellow triangle. The blue gongs summon the blue triangle. So it follows that a red gong would summon the red triangle.
  • edited June 2009
    ROFL now i feel dumb lol... too much real world logical thinking xD and the fact that stinky was cleaning up red liquid made me think that i somehow had to use the snail to trick her
  • edited June 2009
    ROFL now i feel dumb lol... too much real world logical thinking xD and the fact that stinky was cleaning up red liquid made me think that i somehow had to use the snail to trick her

    Don't feel too dumb - that was maybe the only thing in the entire 2nd Season I didn't figure out myself. It does follow a logic, of course - a very peculiar one, though.
  • edited July 2009
    I tried to drink the fountain of youth water at Stinky's but it always went " Oh, look at me I'm all far away from the fountain, I think I'm going to disappear just like that!". Man, did that make me nervous!
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