What will you do with the traitor if given the choice?



  • I would hear him/her out, and decide afterwards.

  • I can't be the only one focusing on that horse headbanging while watching?

  • Eh, personally it depends on the traitor for me. For instance, I'm not going to behead or exile my own mother of all people, but I'd be more prone to for the others. Also, their reasoning might make or break them.

  • edited April 2015

    Alt text

    EDIT: Lol, just kidding. But the one thing I would seriously ask is, "Why?"

  • It would be hard for me to execute my own mother. The other three it is an easy decision, but Lady Forrester would be hard to do. Mainly because of the political backlash I'd get for kinslaying. As a result, I'd probably stuff her out of sight in some place unpleasant However, there is really no reasoning the traitor could offer me to make their betrayal acceptable. If it is Duncan, Royland, or Ortageryn, I will kill them. If it is Lady Forrester... maybe I just put her under House Arrest and strip of her any influence.

    However, If she was conspiring with Ludd before Ethan was murdered, the difficulty of my killing her would decrease.


    That1Guy posted: »

    But then what if it's Elissa?

  • Cannibalism...

  • Yes, yes i can.

    Harian96 posted: »

    WAIT! What if the traitor was Elissa, your character's own mother? I mean, you can't execute your own mother, can you?

  • That's pretty much what Robb Stark did, so not a bad idea.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Well if its Elissa, then I'll probably expel her from the Council and place her under house arrest (if I can).

  • To the wall!

  • I think that would be against the law of kinslaying but there's always exile to Essos, right?

    Herens posted: »

    Sure. For the good of the family.

  • That's a good point. Rodrik may not be able to use a sword yet. Better have Royland do it.

    Harian96 posted: »

    WAIT! What if the traitor was Elissa, your character's own mother? I mean, you can't execute your own mother, can you?

  • If they can be used to feed false information to the Whitehills before attacking them I might be willing to keep the traitor around for a while.

  • It really depends on the person and what evidence they have to back themselves up. If they flat out betrayed the Forresters, they probably won't live long. I don't see the use in sending anyone to the Wall after watching what Gared has to go through. It's not much of a punishment, if you ask me. Kind of an easy way out... I might imprison them and then question them/use them to my advantage politically depending on how things go. The only thing that bothers me is you have to ask yourself how your choice might influence what you do. For instance, let's say you want to kill the traitor no matter what. Now let's say it's either Lady Forrester or the Maester. Killing off Lady Forrester is going to have a very different response, especially from Talia and the house itself, whereas killing off the Maester would be viewed as the right thing to do because his role is replaceable. Ultimately, what you might do is a hard call until you know who it is (unless you're dead set on your choice before you play).

  • Well in Episode 1 I sent the traitor whole stole to the wall. I would have killed him had the opportunity presented itself

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