People are asking, pleading, begging since last summer - are we going to get TWAU Season 2?
Dammit, just tell us, Telltale! A simple yes or no would suffice!
First you're going radio silence, then you post tweets with quotes, then there's this #SeeYouAround post and nothing again. Minecraft is announced, TWD3, this new 'Super Show'...
We ONLY WANT the answer. To give us CLOSURE, we don't want false hope.
I won't be exaggerating when I'll say that most, if not all of us is tired of this lack of information.
I know you (developers) are reading the forums. Just tell us if TWAU 2 is coming or not. We don't want to hear 'oh, we love the property, we really do and it was a fantastic experience creating the game'. We want to hear a definite 'Yes, the sequel is coming sometime in the future' or 'No, there won't be a second season'.
Your PR is supposedly quite good - put it to good use now.
Valar Morghulis Season 2.
They won't, because they're evil and twisted. Didn't you know?
I feel sorry for the Tales of Monkey Island fans, it literally ends on a sequel bait in the post credits sequence with no sign of a continuation.
الذئب بيننا
Yeah it is annoying, at this point hearing them say no would be good news
TTG upon seeing this thread
But yeah. An answer would be swell....:(
I think they want to keep this as vague and open as possible. If they have no plans on making a season 2, it still won't mean they won't make it ever. What I'm saying is Telltale won't answer, because even they don't know. Or Telltale does know and just want us to suffer
Why telltale, why?
The same goes for Back To The Future. ;_;
If they don't plan on making a sequel (which is the likely case at this point) they may not reveal that to the audience in fear that some TWAU fans may stop following Telltale completely. Maybe they're just hoping that in time, everyone 'grows out' of their desire for a sequel and decides to follow a multi-year Telltale title like TWD or GoT.
I would much rather just get a simple confirmation that "We have no plans for any further FABLES related content," rather than the waiting. Maybe the fact they didn't sign on for multiple seasons like they did with Walking Dead and Thrones is a confirmation in itself, but seriously. It sucks ;-;
No, it wouldn't.
Every time a thread, reply or comment involving us asking if season 2 is coming.....
TellTale says this:

"Ya'll goin' ta have to wait. then I'll answer."
Such a theory is hardly far-fetched. - Vortigaunt
This wasn't asking, it was demanding, and I'm sure that it's going to get the same response they all do. When there's news they'll give it and not before.
Especially if Telltale is extending a contract, which is most likely the case with Wolf. And we all should know Telltale like surprising.
Take that with a grain of salt
cough And S&M cough. Except there's no sequel bait
Season 2 is necessary for the good of the world !
This guy ^^ Let's send him to Telltale!!!
Of course we need season 2 to solve world hunger and bring about world peace, obviously.
"Need for closure"
Seriously. WHAT IS WITH THIS MINECRAFT BUSINESS?! Let's not get distracted from more important matters shall we Telltale!?
We'll see how their version of Minecraft does in sales. If it's just as successful as TWD and TWAU, here's to hoping they'll put mucho moolah into TWAU's season 2 development (if they haven't done so already).
Why do you need closure? If you don't want to think about the game anymore, just move on. There's plenty of others going on. In the meantime, keeping the door open for what I think is still a good possibility is better than shutting the door on it.
If you're not interested in it, then don't get it. TellTale can make whatever they want (I'm not trying to instigate an argument, I'm just saying how it is).