Counter Strike: Global Offensive™ weapon tips
This thread will show tips on how to handle any Weapon from CS:Go. I won't cover all the weapons, only one, so you can help out by giving tips for other weapons.
let's start with my favourite gun: the Bizon.
I know, I know what you are thinking. "Norren, that's an SMG! SMG's suck!"
I like the Bizon due to the large magazine and cheapness of it, as long as you burst fire, the accuracy is alright.
well, it depends on how you use it. I play casual [Insert filthycas.jpg], so I buy smoke, HE and a flashbang during every round regardless on what team I am on.
it is best to fight 1v1 and not be overwhelmed by the enemy. If so retreat and fight in another area. strafing side to side makes you a harder target, and burst firing will kill an enemy quickly without exposing yourself to bullets, especially fighting against AWPers.
smoke out then flashbang a hallway before you storm in, which gives the Bizon an edge due to SMG's used for close-combact
I love how you put a trademark in the title of the thread.
Here's a good tip for people using the AWP Sniper Rifle:
As a Blind Sniper, I absolutely cannot recommend this Sniper Rifle enough as it helps compensate for my Blindness that conveniently emerges whenever I am a Sniper!
solution for being a blind sniper: $5,000,000 headset
Ooh, I can also take a page out of Call of Duty's book and use a Guide Dog too!
Dirty, dirty awpers.
the mlg is strong with this one
Oh yeah? AWP yours!
It's a wholesale golden gun.
AWPing is more of an arcade gun rather than a realistic one. They should make you have a five second delay when you prepare to aim to prevent quickscoping