Favorite character to play?

Just wondering if any of you have a favorite character to play. I enjoy playing all of them for different reasons. It's fun to be the guy in charge as Rodrik and I like Asher's cocky confidence. I liked Gerald a lot in the beginning but just like Jon in the series I'm kind of ready for him to move past the wall ASAP. my favorite I think is Mira because she reminds me so much of Sansa's POV in the books, it's a lot of the social game and trying to seem weak while having your wits about you.



  • Uhmm...Rodrik, because it's interesting to see how far House Forrestor has fallen and how he tries to protect what's left of it.

    My 2nd one would be Mira. She's in deep trouble lol.

  • edited April 2015

    Asher and Rodrik.

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  • I liked playing as Ethan in the first episode, now I would say Asher but so far besides the intros we haven't seen him very much for the rest of the episode... so I'm gonna choose Mira since now she's really in trouble and her storyline is getting more and more interesting.

  • Easily Rodrik

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  • edited April 2015

    I like Rodrik the best, I love the once cocky soldier and now broken man trying to do good personality. He reminds me of Jaime Lannister a lot, who is now one of my favorite characters.

    Second would be a tie between Mira and Asher. Fuck, Mira's scenes are difficult to play as. Simple handmaiden stuck in the heavy politics of King's Landing is no piece of cake. She has definitely branched out from the Sansa 2.0 stereotype that developed when we saw her in Episode 1. And Asher because he reminds me of the Hound, a rough guy who is actually caring at times.

  • I love playing as Mira and Rodrick. Mira shows how a player can outwit some characters in the series which I really love. As Rodrik, I love him because I can show my soft and brave side on this game.

  • Mira. Rodrik is the one most directly relevant but he's all cripply and whatnot. I do enjoy a bit of intrigue playing the 'Game of Thrones'.

  • I think my favourites are Gared and Mira. Probably because i think they are in the most interesting places. I also really liked playing as Ethan, since hes a kid with so much new responsibility and there's so much potential to developing a character like that. But yeah... just wasn't meant to be i guess.

  • I really love playing all. Mostly Rodrik and Mira I guess. It will be interesting next episode to see how the invitation to the Whitehills will be... Red Wedding 2.0?

  • My favourite to play as is Rodrik with Mira being a close second. My favourite characters however are Ethan and Asher.

  • Gared and Mira for me!

  • Easy!

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    I just love those two. With Gared at the Wall and his mystery with the North grove and his relations with all those people like Cotter and Finn: I really like him and the story and all. and Rodrik.. oh man, he's just so badass. In my game he stands up to Gryff and that was so badass.. but not the smartest thing to do. The relation he has with Talia is so perfect, I really like Talia. She is one of my favorite non-playable character.

    ..And Asher is my Second favorite playable character.

  • That's my favorite quote :'D just genius. Gared will always be my number one (with rodrik) but if Gared died, I would cry for a longer time than Rodrik.


  • edited April 2015

    Rodders is my #1

  • Probobly Gared and Asher, Gared because I like playing on the wall and having bunch of mysterys including the north grove and cotter the patato fucker being a wildling. Asher cuz he is a badass and in his storyline there will be the khaleesi yeah.

  • Cotter Teh Patato Fucka

    That's my favorite quote :'D just genius. Gared will always be my number one (with rodrik) but if Gared died, I would cry for a longer time than Rodrik.

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    Needs more screentime though.

  • Asher for sure, he smiles and laughs which is a nice change of pace for GoT - I love playing all the characters in the game but Mira/Rodrik's scenes stress me tf out.

    I know it's kinda the point but I feel like every decision I make is wrong or I'm playing into some weird Telltale/GoT mind game. Like if I'm nicer/deferential then I'm going to get screwed because nice people don't make it in this series, but if I'm a self-serving dick (which I guess I view as being the 'right' way to play the game of thrones) I piss people off who are going to introduce the business end of a knife to my back. But then I feel like they KNOW I'm thinking that so maybe being more deferential is right again??? Idk this game is making me realize a life in politics is not in my future.

    I really like Gared but the wall has always been one of the less interesting places to me when reading the books/watching the show. Being reminded that for every 1 person there because they insulted a lord or stole a piece of bread to feed their starving family there are like 20 rapist murderers makes me not care all that much if they die. Imo even Jon's storyline in the books doesn't get interesting until the end of the latest one.

  • "Asher grin"

    Pipas posted: »

    Needs more screentime though.

  • Asher. He's the only playable character I really care for at the moment.

  • I agree with you completely.

    Easy! I just love those two. With Gared at the Wall and his mystery with the North grove and his relations with all those people li

  • Gared and Rodrik

  • Gared and Rodrik.

  • Gared for me, the north of the wall has always interested me, and now that we might get to go there. yaaayyyy

  • edited April 2015

    oh cotter


  • edited April 2015


    "Asher grin"

  • Garad and Mira...but they have the better storylines to be fair.

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  • Seriously, I hope one of the options while talking to Daenerys will be [Asher grin].


  • I like both Asher and Mira the most. Rodrik's story is the most interesting, but I find those two are more fun to play as.

  • Mira reminds me of my favorite book character- Sansa.
    So yeaah... Mira.

  • I like mira really much and asher because he has that smile xD and his attitude/the options you can choose are awesome with this character!

  • Gared and asher are my favorites characters

  • you know she's going to be 100% done in .2 seconds of Asher opening his mouth

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    Pipas posted: »

    Seriously, I hope one of the options while talking to Daenerys will be [Asher grin].

  • edited April 2015

    Gared followed by Mira.

  • Miiira.
    By far. All of her scenes keep me on the edge of my seat

  • Rodrik, Mira, Gared in that order. But frankly all of them are awesome,

  • Asher, Mira, Rodrik in that order. All are really close though.

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