Game of Thrones episode 3: The Sword in The Darkness choices

edited April 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Basically what the title says. Discuss!


  • Thought it was the best episode in the series so far, don't really know what else to say on such a vague topic :P

  • I meant this thread to post the choices you had for the episode.

    Thought it was the best episode in the series so far, don't really know what else to say on such a vague topic :P

  • Ah, my bad. I did -

    1. Save Malcolm
    2. Not go with Tyrion
    3. Gave Britt an easy death
    4. Kept standing up

    I think those were the main ones, I forget exactly.

    zachiscool3 posted: »

    I meant this thread to post the choices you had for the episode.

  • edited April 2015
    • Saved Malcolm (Forresters first!)

    • Went with Tyrion (That'll teach Margaery for being a bitch)

    • Left Britt (I'm no oathbreaker, nor am I willing to give him what he wanted)

    • Stood up to Gryff (It was time to show Ironrath Rodrik is the lord, and he is not afraid of the Whitehills)

    • Kept the Decree (it's got to be more useful in one piece, than burnt... right!?)

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