do people judge others based on the pets they keep?
I have two dogs a pomeranian and a labrador I find I get treated diferently depending which one im walking
What do you think pets say about their owners?
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I have two dogs a pomeranian and a labrador I find I get treated diferently depending which one im walking
What do you think pets say about their owners?
If a man has a vicious looking type of dog, like a German Sheppard or a Rottweiler, that tells me that they are more of an aggressive type person.
That they either like to have a vicious looking dog, because it makes them feel and look tough.
If someone has a peaceful dog, like a Labrador or a Golden Retriever, that tells me they're more of an easygoing type of person, that they're not looking for trouble.
There are many more examples I could give, but time would fail me if I did.
I'm going to say you should probably not use those judgements as definitive personality assessments. German Shepherds are great dogs, and not everyone that has one, or a rottweiler, has them because they want people to think they're tough.
I have two Golden retrievers, a half boxer half pitbull mix( I think), and a pure bred pitbull. Everytime I walk the Golden's people seems to want to come up talk to them, pet them, and let's the golden retrievers sniff them. But if I take the mixed breed or the pitbull it seems like people ignore it and almost run aways from them. Which I think is just mean and stupid because the pitbulls are actually the most loveable dogs i have ever had and are happy around people and love to see them.
I don't think most people realize that dogs are not inherently bad. It's how they are raised.
So yeah I think people judge me and the dog based on which I am walking.
Personally I don't have that problem since my dog is a complete softie plus she's only a jack Russell but I know people that have staffies and people cross to the other side of the road to avoid them
I pet all dogs if the opportunity presents itself. Dogs always love me, probably because I love dogs. People will say, "keep your distance this one bites," and the dog will roll over when I walk up to it and let me rub it's belly.
It's how the person raises them. Though some dogs physically have a stronger bite force, there is no denying that. I've seen pit bulls that are sweetie pies and little dogs that would bite your face off if given the chance.
I love both dogs and cats, but I only have cats at home. Some people are ignorant about cat behavior (the assumption that they are aloof, uncaring, or unplayful) and I feel some people just assume dog people are nicer and friendlier.
I don't let anyone touch my dogs, in fear of them biting someone. I had that happen before, and its not a good thing.
Not generally, but if you have a puli I may assume you're a pothead.
No, unless they got something a pet spider. I have a English Pitbull dog that really hates when other dogs walk in our yard...and pot heads. I don't know if it's the smell or what, but whenever one of my brothers pot heat friends come over looking for him, my dog goes batshit.
I got off topic, but regardless...
If this is true, what do these guys make me?
Don't let appearances fool you. They're viscous and will back down from no one.
I have honestly never heard of people judging people based on pets they own. Though, if you own a snake, don't expect me to visit your house anytime soon. Quite frankly, snakes scare the hell out of me.
Judging people simply based on what kind of pets they keep is a bit dumb.
Lol, I see what you mean but it's old farm men who has pulis not potheads
They're pretty common in my country.
Are they siblings? I love those floppy ears
The only dog that's ever bit me was my Boston Terrier. I was playing with her and shit bit a little too hard. Drew blood, but it was my fault for egging her on. Before her I had two German Shepherds, and they never bit anyone.
The one on the top left and the one on the right are cousins. I'm pretty sure the other guy is related somehow as well, but I think it's a little distant.
Why is he banned?
I heard he said some things people didn't like. You're not really supposed to talk about banned people though, they don't like that either.
Oh, thanks for the tip.
My aunt use to have a dog that kinda look like that.
As others have said, Judging people for what type of pet they keep is pretty irrelevant to the actual person.
And personally, I think Huskies are pretty kewl and cute
When i was in my early twenties i had a party, and my wife at the time had a Cocker Spaniel. I told her to lock the dog into the back room, so we can sit and talk with our friends. Everything is going great, until someone lets the dog out of the spare room. I motion to take the dog back in, but my wife felt bad for him, and wanted him to be able to "play".
Long story short, a friend of mine, bent down to pet the dog, and the dog bit her in the face. She needed surgery. It was bad, we ended up putting the dog down.
He went full on homophobe
Oh thanks. He deserves to be banned if that's the case.
Dogs don't bite me because they know I bite back harder. I'll take your word for it though, because like people, some dogs can just be ass holes.
The one on the right looks like my friend's dog, Dixie.
So far, everyone I've known who's owned a ferret has been a massive pothead.
One of them might be plotting my murder...
Lol, same here come to think of it.
No, some people just don't have common sense. If you stick your face next to a animal with teeth, it might bite you if it gets scared. People forget dogs are just animals with base instincts. That is why i think i get along with them so well.
Well, I own a pitbull. Don't know how people would think of me for that, but this guy is literally too friendly and loving for anything viscous.
Even if there's no timer, I wish there were a different notification for permaban and timeout.
Yeah, I'd say so. I own a pitbull and people sometimes cross the street when they see him, despite him being a complete softy. I try to offset his bad rep by putting a bandana around his neck and keeping him on a short leash when people walk by.
People love it when I walk him and my mom's chihuahua at the same time. They don't realize that the Chihuahua is way more dangerous and unpredictable than the pit.
There used to be a pitbull near the local pizza place, and he would hop the fence so I could feed him cheese fries. When they were gone he'd go hop back into his yard.
Sounds like my dog. He's really obedient but also hella food motivated. He'd do anything for some cheese fries!
Well granted, it's never a smart idea to stick your face next to a dog's, particularly if you're not the owner.
Even though my two dogs are well trained and very good natured, and I have a Golden Retriever and a Black Labrador; both of whom are elderly, I am still careful with them when it comes to other people.
It always worries me when I'm out walking them, and I get little kids who wanna run up to them and pet them.
In that case, I'm always gracious-yet firm.
I tell the child/children in question that it's not smart to run up to a strange dog as they did, but they can still pet my dogs if they wish.
Generally my dogs are all to happy to interact with children, but nevertheless I still keep an eye on them because as gentle as they are, they're still dogs and could snap if they're hurt someone if they feel threatened.
Nevertheless, as you pointed out, some people lack common sense when it comes to the way they handle their animals.
Even if they themselves are gracious and handle themselves well around others, if they have a particularly head-strong dog, like a German Shepherd for example; who require firm handling, and the person in question does not do so, it can result in problems.
Sometimes it can result in the dog being dangerous, and I've personally seen it happen.
Looks like the dog's been living the island life.
I'm sorry to hear that, both about your friend and your dog.
I hope your friend recovered okay.
Hey your back , My friend suffered the worst of it, he still hurts for losing that dog. I actually spoke with him yesterday and the dog came up.
German Shepherds are one of my favorite breeds, i have two. When kids come up to my dogs, i always clench my buttox in fear, just in case, and have my hand my hand around the dogs neck. I been attacked by a dog when i was a kid, so i know how terrifying it can be to a child.