

Where should we direct complaints about members or this company? Specifically, moderators?

There doesn't seem to be a section for this in the forums, and I'd like to know how to file an official complaint about how I and others are being treated on the forum as a result of moderator action (or, as the case may be, inaction).

Thank you.


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Where should we direct complaints about members or this company? Specifically, moderators?

    Moderators are not considered members of the company technically.

    However, if you want to file a complaint, you could do so with Telltale's community manager @Puzzlebox by sending her a PM I suppose. Perhaps you can also leave a message in Support by emailing them or leaving a post in "Site Support." (EDIT: Seems you already did this, so ignore that part. I thought this was in Telltale Talk.)

    I can't speak for all Moderators obviously as I'm just one person, but I try to be pretty open and easy to approach so if you have any constructive feedback, I'm all ears and you can always send me a PM or whatever else you prefer.

  • I figured they'd still be in the jurisdiction of the company?

    Puzzlebox hasn't really been hugely active lately, so didn't consider her an option. Thanks for the last bit though, hope it won't be necessary.

    Where should we direct complaints about members or this company? Specifically, moderators? Moderators are not considered members of

  • I figured they'd still be in the jurisdiction of the company?

    I'd easily imagine so depending on the definition, I was just going off of your phrasing "members of this company." I guess I was just being overly technical is all. :P

    Telltale generally trust us and our judgement as long as we keep the peace and don't do anything bad, abuse our power, etc. Honestly, this isn't a problem that comes up too much so I really don't know what the response will be, but you can always try emailing Support then I suppose.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I figured they'd still be in the jurisdiction of the company? Puzzlebox hasn't really been hugely active lately, so didn't consider her an option. Thanks for the last bit though, hope it won't be necessary.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    @Flog61 If you have not heard back from @Puzzlebox, you can also send me a PM directly, and I can forward the information to the right people. Please reply here when/if you do, so that I know to check my Feed for PMs.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I figured they'd still be in the jurisdiction of the company? Puzzlebox hasn't really been hugely active lately, so didn't consider her an option. Thanks for the last bit though, hope it won't be necessary.

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