Dreamworks Animation Monsters VS Aliens
You all have had an animated film(s) that really touched you in some way. Some it's Frozen, various Dreamworks Animation fans it's the Shrek series.
For me it was 2009's Monsters VS Aliens. Since a year before it came to theaters, upon hearing about it on wikipedia, it peaked my interest. During the following months, watching from it's website, then on March 27th, upon first seeing it, I loved it. I admit, it could've been more, but I'm satisfied with what we got. I loved the characters, especially Reese Witherspoon's lead character Susan Murphy. She's what made half the movie for me. Saw it four more times totaling at five viewings in theaters, the most I have seen of any movie while in theaters.
I even enjoyed the Halloween special "Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space". I own the movie on Blu-Ray and the Special on DVD, which I am proud to have in my DVD collection. To me, MvA was just as big as the Madagascar penguins. This franchise was for me what was for fans of Shrek.
I felt this franchise had potential, eager to await the sequel to follow. Unfortunately, it was not to be. I was sad. Since 2010, I set out to try and write a sequel of my own, but with my part time work life taking up a good majority of my time, plus a few instances of writers block and doubt. Sadly, I've abandoned the whole thing, but I still hold on to the concept of making it a reality. Somehow...
Two years ago, Nick began the tv series, I viewed being a fan and all, but I feel it was lacking. Once it was cancelled last year, I shed no tears.
But even so, I wish it could've been different.
In-between 2010 and 2012, I became jealous and angry of the How to Train Your Dragon series, and anything new that followed from Dreamworks. Soon, I opened up to Dreamworks again, with Rise of the Guardians, which I count in my list of favorite Dreamworks Animated films. Followed by The Croods and The Penguins of Madagascar film, I'm glad Dreamworks still makes good animated films of their own.
But my heart is still broken at the wasted potential MvA could've been. Ginormica was in my mind the perfect independent heroine. Others would say Merida from Pixar's Brave. But for me, I already had one: her name was Susan Murphy.
So, any and all who read this, I hope you understand (forgive the melodrama) the pain in my heart. I just wish there was some way MvA could be brought back from the brink.
But of course...it's just a dream, and I am but a loyal fan who viewed that franchise deserved better praise.
Anyone care to comment? I just asked for help. I wish for anyone to reply. Plz